04850_0189: Letters, 1-15 April 1853



Needs Review

So Belle Col R.C. Ballard - Magnolila [Warrenton, Miss] To Nalle Cox & Co.

To Cash no for 61oz old Java Coffee 147.14 $20.58 Drayage to S. Belle 25 N Orleans 1 Apr. '53 $20.83

Dr Sir. Above we hand shipped herewith for yr order under date We send Java as we suppose you want it own use. We also send you 2 boxes (1000) cigars same as you had before - cash $45.- Nothing done with the 4 bales Elk Cotton & we fear it is a so much for the officious interference of Mr Vaughn We have not given up the case however & still have some hope. We do not think it worth while to institute suit - at least not for the present & not at all unless the matter can be placed in a better shape than it now has. The weather here has at last cleared off finely & we are glad to hear this is likewise the case with you & that your health is also restored. Hope soon to see you here again. Cotton very active. We yesterday sold the last 30 bales Karnac @ 7 3/8 ¢. Very truly Yr frd & obt Sts Nalle Cox & Co

Miss Pork $14 - 14 1/14 & will no doubt be lower - some think $12 - so some body must suffer

Last edit 3 months ago by carol ann
Needs Review

New Orleans 2d April 1853 Col. Ballard { Warrenton, Miss} Dr Sir I recd yrs by Dr. Hunt I will attend to Virginia [Case?] as soon as I can meet with some one going to Texas. I have a friend there I can send her to but the vessels will not take any Negro unless under the charge of some white person the market here is full of negroes I think about 900 here & a full decline of $50. & I think for a large lot $100. a head and not many buyers here at that & some of the best Georgia & Virginia Negroes here I have seen this with regard to buying for next season I think they are still to high in Richmond I can use New Orleans acceptances but not longer than 4 months in Va but I could cash them at Louisville on my way there if the market got down to $1000. in Richmond I want to go to if it does not I had better buy more slowly in Ky all well. I sold Dr Hunt a girl for $1100. She is very young Respectfully yrs C.M. Rutherford

Last edit 3 months ago by carol ann
Needs Review

Natchez 2 Apl '53

Dr Col Yours of 29th ulto came safe to hand. Genl Lintman has not yet called on me.

I will not be able to leave for N Orleans till next week if then. Mrs Boyd has been quite sick since Saturday last, & is now very ill.

If she gets better, I may go down next week.

I will be prepared to go to "Outpost" when I come up to attend the May Court at Jackson.

Have lately learned of an opportunity to buy a lot of negroes, at a very reasonable rate, next Janry.

Old man Baldwin, of Jefferson County, directed his slaves to be sent to Liberia. This will be declared void at the

Last edit 3 months ago by carol ann
Needs Review

present term of the High Court, And as nearly all the heirs reside in New Jersey, they do not want the slaves, & are willing they should be all sold together, to a good master, at a reasonable rate, according, to the will, if it cannot be carried out. [? Montfery?] one of the executors, has informed me he thinks they can be had at the offer [?ment] price made two years ago $27000 for fifty two. He is to furnish me with a list soon & will endeavour to obtain authority to close the trade. This would suit us well, & if possible, I will get them. We can then buy more of the good land near "Outpost", - perhaps one of the Railey's Claiborne County places, which, I learn, have been offered low, since the death of his son Ralph you had better not speak of this, unless you have

Last edit 3 months ago by carol ann

an opportunity to ascertain about Mr Raileys views accidentally. Nothing more yours truly S S Boyd

PS I have just recd your letter of 31 ulto & am sorry to hear the accounts from Karnac, If you follow Davis perceptions, you will probably have no more difficulty Take good care of youself any how. S S Boyd

Last edit 3 months ago by carol ann
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