Moday th
10 April
Comenced planting corn in pump field
and putting manure on the hills
Sent the Gray to Huntsville to day
Put her to Puryears Jack
Saturday the
15 April
Planted corn in the pump field until
Friday night when it rained and stoped us
we have put manure in the hills of all we have
planted in that field. The [southel?] heifer had a calf
Monday the
17th April
This being Easter monday it rained all
night Saturday night & moderately all day on
Sunday until in the Evening it commenced hailing
and snowing & the ground is covered this morning one
inch deep in snow with Icicles hanging to the
Eves of the house & on the trees Therm 33
old Polly Beaton cow had a calf yesterday
it continued to snow until 12 oclock
& then cleared off cold
Wenday the
19th April
Big frost this morning the ground
froze & ice plenty Ther 30
I sowed some white clover & Lucerne seed at the
old Barn in a lot of half an acre Also at the
new barn sowed 1/4 of an acre in red clover & Lucerne
seed for mowing off for the horses
22 April
Been too wet to plow until today
We plowed up our Acre to plant in
premium corn & planted a part of it
Monday 24 April Finished planting premium
Acre of corn Ive planted it 3 feet apart
in a dril and expect to lave a stalk every
11 inches in the row we put 20 waggon loads
of manure in the drills before we planted it
& then droped the corn on it & covered with
the plow We have put 80=4 horse loads
of stable manur on it & 106 loads of
rich earth or swamp mud in all 186 loads
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