Saturday the 8th July 1854 Plowed & hoed the
Oregon Peas before noon in the after noon
[lines off text on left side] 5 loads hay
halled 2 loads of hay then a shower of
rain came & stopped us we took holiday
the balance of the eveing It was the best rain
we have had for 4 weeks wet the ground
something over an ich the wind Blowed
our corn down so bad we cant plow
any mor I wanted to play the pump
field again verry bad it is young & nice
corn & about wist high on an average [??]
is Tasseling & a good deal higher we have had
some corn sick a week ago but I neglected
noticing of it at the time we have plowed
the pump field but twice & run the
cutivator through it once it is not foul
but should of been cultivated again had
it not of blown down so bad but it
is impossible
Monday the 19th July 1852
Mowed in the shop
meadow until 10 oclock it then set
in raining and give us a first rate
season wet the ground thoroughly
the first we have had since the
10th of June while it was raining we
cleaned up some old wheat in the
barn we had 52 1/2 Bu of it left which
was too much I should of sold
more of it
Teusday 11 July 1854
Mowed until noon
& then put p hay oat too
we to haul
Wensday 12 July 1854 Commenced going
over the pump field of corn with
the culitvator Twice n a row we
run 3 of them & mowed with hands
until noon then halled oats & put up hay
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