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Thursday 20 July 1854 Thrashed wheat all day
verry hot & no rain Ther 98 D

Friday the 21 july 1854 Thrashed wheat until
noon then machine broke & we stoped
[lined off text on left] 2 loads hay
halled 2 loads hay from Wisemans
meadow & cleaned up premium wheat
we had 33 3/4 Bu from one Acre
some Thunder Shower passing but no

Saturday 22 July Thrashed wheat until noon & stoped
to mend up the old machine it broke down
no rain & verry Dry cleaned up our premium
wheat made 33 3/4 Bu on one Acre

Monday 24 July 1854 Thrashed wheat & hour or
Two and then Broke the Thrasher again & stoped
The boys went to mowing in Wisemans
meadow Tax paying here to day quite
a crowd out
no rain

Teusday the 25 July 1854 Mowed until noon
had one load of hay from Wisemans meadow
[text line off on left] 1 of hay
in the afternoon put up hay cloudy
this morning and hay did not acre
much in the evening it Rained
a good shower wet the ground Two or
Three inches we have a good chance of hay
cocked up in Wisemans meadow that will
have to be put out to dry The Rain comes
too late for our corn it is injured
verry much and cannot make a full crop

Wensday the
26 July 1854

Mowed in Wisemans meadow
until 4 oclock we then had a good
Rain wet our ground thoroughly & our
hay too for it was cloudy all day and
we could not haul in any to day
I suppose we have 8 or 10 loads in acre
& scattered that got wet

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