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the 3 Aug 1854

Finished mowing the cassel meadow
halled one load of hay
[lined off text on left] 1 Load of hay
This was our election day & we did but little
business on the farm verry warm 95 D

Friday the
4 Aug

We worked in Turnip patch in lower end
of Shop meadow until the hay Dried off
& then put out the hay to dry and halled
[lined off text on left] 3 loads hay
& then a shower of rain come up and a verry
hard wind & caught about 2 Loads out in the
meadow it did not rain verry hard but the
wind blowed verry hard

the 5 Aug

Worked in the Turnip patch all day
in the afternoon halled 2 Loads
hay from the cassel meadow
[lined off text on left] 2 Loads hay
which finishes all the mowing the
first time we had 9 Loads of hay
in the cassel meadow all Large 4 horse Loads
but one
In all 69 Waggon Loads of hay the first

Monday the
7 Aug 1854

Worked in Turnip patch all day
with all the hands but Dan & Anda
They Dug Irish potatoes and sowed some Turnip
seed from the pattent office sent me by R C
Puryear our memeber in Congress we manured the
the ground with Barn yard manure and sowed
them in Drills 16 in apart we sowed 4 kinds 3 rows
of each we also sowed 8 or 10 rows of summer
Turnips to day in Drills at night we had
a good shower of rain but not enough to
make our fallow ground wet enough to plow

Teusday the
8th Aug

Worked all hands in Turnip patch
halling wood splitting rails [&c?]
quite cool & pleasant

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