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Friday the 17 July 1857, finished plowing the
pump field the 4th time cut oats in the
after noon quit working our corn
Saturday 18th July 1857 All hands worked
their patches to day & had hallow day
Monday the 20th July 1857 Finished cutting
Oats to day we made 1606 [Doz?] [small?]
binds & short oats not verry well growed
Getting verry dry our corn is just
beginning to tassel & some [fur?] silks
are out in the earliest corn
in the afternoon it rained a good shower
about half a season, wet some oats we
had cut down in the morning & did not get
tied up before it rained
Tuesday the 21 July 1857 Raised our cow shed
to day took all hands to do it rained a
light sprinkel in the afternoon not enough
to do much good
Wednesday the 22 July 1857 Tied up the
oats we had down & hoed corn today
Tax paying here today
Thursday the 23 June 1857 Commenced
Hulling in oat, in the afternoon with
two wagons
Friday the 24th July 1857 Hulled oats
& worked on cow shed all day

Saturday the 25th July 1857 had a good shower
of rain today half a season
Monday the 27 July 1857 Rained a good season
this morning & was showering all day
the first season since the 1st June

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