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John West [?EXPENSES?] | [AMOUNT] | --- | F M J [?EXPENSES] | [AMOUNT] | --- |
Brot [BROUGHT FORWARD?] | 15.93 | [overwrit: "Newman"] | [1? or 2?] Pr [PAIR] shoes | 0.40 | - |
[mending?] an 1 shoe | 0.20 | [overwrit: "Newman"] | [Leizing?] [LEASING?] [T??? plow?] | 0.50 | - |
= | 16.25 | [overwrit: "Newman"] | [???ing?] [T??? plain?] | 0.50 | - |
befor [BEFORE] [Racd?] [RECEIVED?] | 3.25 | [overwrit: "Newman"] | mending fire shovel | 0.12 1/2 | - |
all to Newman = | 13.00 | [overwrit: "Newman"] | = | 1.52 1/2 | - |
16.25 | - | [overwrit: "Newman"] | - | - | - |
[H?]. [Athon?] [?EXPENSES?] | [AMOUNT] | --- | John Pots [?EXPENSES?] | [AMOUNT] | --- |
from another place | 4.51 | [overwrit: "[G. W. J.?]"] | Nov [NOVEMBER] | - | - |
cr [CREDIT?] by [6 1/2?] Bu [BUSHEL] Corn 0.75 | [0.48 1/2?] | [overwrit: "[G. W. J.?]"] | [Leizing?] [LEASING?] [T??? plow?] | 0.50 | - |
painting [Degon?] and sh | 0.37 1/2 | [overwrit: "[G. W. J.?]"] | - | - | - |
nailing on 1 shoe | 0.15 | [overwrit: "[G. W. J.?]"] | - | - | - |
mending | 0.06 1/2 | [overwrit: "[G. W. J.?]"] | - | - | - |
paid in full to G. W. J. | 5. 59 | [overwrit: "[G. W. J.?]"] | - | - | - |
Elliot Walker [?EXPENSES?] | [AMOUNT] |
Dec [DECEMBER], Clevis | 0.50 |
false [coulter?] | 0.25 |
wheel [scren?] | 0.25 |
Ironing [Lugle? Tree?] | 0.62 |
[Leizing?] [LEASING?] [T??? plow?] | 0.75 |
1 pr [PAIR] shoes | 0.75 |
= | 3.12 1/2 |
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