11/14/32 - Spec. Exec.
11/14/32 - Reg. B/T
RALEIGH, N. C. November 14, 1932
The executive Committee met at 9:30 a. m. on the above date, Governor Gardner presiding, with these present:
Josephus Daniels
John Sprunt Hill
Haywood Parker
Judge John J. Parker
Walter Murphy
Leslie Weil
Charles Whedbee
S. B. Alexander
Clarence Poe
Mrs. Julius V. Cone
Miss Easdale Shaw
H. M. London, Secretary
Dr. Frank P. Graham was also present. An informal discussion was held as to election of vice-presidents of the three units. President Graham suggested that a committee be appointed to confer with the faculty at Chapel Hill as to who should be the vice president there, simply for helpful information at reaching a satisfactory and harmonious conclusion in the matter. No action was taken by the committee on matters discussed at this meeting.
An adjourned meeting was held at 1:15 p. m. (after the full board had met and adjourned ) to fix the salary of Dr. Frank P. Graham, as president of the Greater University of North Carolina. It was moved by Mr. Haywood Parker that the present salary of President Graham be continued until further action of the Executive Committee. Carried.
The meeting then adjourned.
Henry M. London [signature]
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