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Governor Ehringhaus read resolutions adopted by the North
Carolina State Grange, stating the hope that the Trustees would
stand by the action of June 1935 with respect to the School of

Mr. Josephus Daniels, Mr. J. J. Parker, and Mr. Cameron
Morrison spoke against reconsideration and in favor of the
consolidation plan as presented by President Graham.

On inquiry from the Chair, no further statements were pre-
sented, and the Chair announced that the Board was ready for the
vote. The motion was stated: "That we reconsider the action
of the Board of Trustees taken at the June 1935 meeting with
reference to the consolidation of the Greater University and with
particular reference to the location of the Engineering School".
The vote was taken and the teller reported that the vote stood
24 in favor of the motion and 50 against it. The motion
therefore failed.

The Chair read a telegram from L.J. Phipps requesting fifteen
minutes to present to the Board a petition to permit Chapel Hill
girls to register for the work of their freshman and sophomore
years in the University at Chapel Hill, which the consolidation
plan prohibited beginning September 1, 1935. The petition was not

The Chair announced the receipt of a letter from a member of
the Chapel Hill faculty inviting the attention of the Board to
the practice of the University collecting certain student activity
fees and requesting that the practice be rescinded forthwith.
Dean House stated that the faculty member referred to had asked
the faculty, last fall, to study the fees charged students and
the method of their collection. That a faculty committee had been
studying the question and had made a report at the latest faculty
meeting that the study was being continued. The Board referred
the matter back to the faculty.

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