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2 revisions
Bev D. at Aug 23, 2023 07:05 PM


CONSOLIDATED UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 5 dent, for two library courses for teachers in the department of education at the Woman's College. 10. A joint directorate, under a chairman, of the all-Univer- sity Extension Division. 11. No men students at the Woman's College, in accordance with its purpose and the needs of the state for a distinctly and preeminently woman's college of arts and sciences. 12. The abolition by the board of the offices of vice-president and the appointments by the president, with advice of the trus- tees' committee, of three deans of administration. 13. The appointment of one director of the coordinated sum- mer school, the abolition of the offices of associate directors, and the assumption of their administrative responsibilities by the deans of administration. 14. The beginning of the mobility of staffs and students. 15. The appointment of one dean of one graduate school and the beginning of the coordination and consolidation of graduate work in one graduate school under a provisional council appointed by and responsible to the president. 16. Studies by committees from the students, faculties, trus- tees, and the state with regard to the curricula, budget, student life, departments and schools, in relation to the resources and opportunities of the University and the needs of the people. Our question now is: what, if any, should be the next step in consolidation? In addition to the trustees' committee ap- pointed by the governor, the president appointed committees to advise him on agricultural policies, the textile school, engineering education, teacher training, and other departments of the life of the three institutions. He also referred for discussion and advice the whole question of consolidation and allocation of functions to the administrative council of the Consolidated University. The president did not meet with the committee on engineering education. He submitted some definite questions for their con- sideration, but left them free to make their own studies and rec- ommendations in their own way. By the close vote of 6 to 5 this committee recommended that the engineering schools be consoli- dated at State College. I have deeply appreciated their valuable memoranda but I have not felt bound by their recommendations. I have met several times with the trustees' committee and many times with the administrative council. You have noticed from the confidential memoranda sent you that the administrative



dent, for two library courses for teachers in the department of
education at the Woman's College.

10. A joint directorate, under a chairman, of the all-Univer-
sity Extension Division.

11. No men students at the Woman's College, in accordance
with its purpose and the needs of the state for a distinctly and
preeminently woman's college of arts and sciences.

12. The abolition by the board of the offices of vice-president
and the appointments by the president, with advice of the trus-
tees' committee, of three deans of administration.

13. The appointment of one director of the coordinated sum-
mer school, the abolition of the offices of associate directors, and
the assumption of their administrative responsibilities by the
deans of administration.

14. The beginning of the mobility of staffs and students.

15. The appointment of one dean of one graduate school and
the beginning of the coordination and consolidation of graduate
work in one graduate school under a provisional council appointed
by and responsible to the president.

16. Studies by committees from the students, faculties, trus-
tees, and the state with regard to the curricula, budget, student
life, departments and schools, in relation to the resources and
opportunities of the University and the needs of the people.

Our question now is: what, if any, should be the next step
in consolidation? In addition to the trustees' committee ap-
pointed by the governor, the president appointed committees to
advise him on agricultural policies, the textile school, engineering
education, teacher training, and other departments of the life of
the three institutions. He also referred for discussion and advice
the whole question of consolidation and allocation of functions to
the administrative council of the Consolidated University.

The president did not meet with the committee on engineering
education. He submitted some definite questions for their con-
sideration, but left them free to make their own studies and rec-
ommendations in their own way. By the close vote of 6 to 5 this
committee recommended that the engineering schools be consoli-
dated at State College. I have deeply appreciated their valuable
memoranda but I have not felt bound by their recommendations.
I have met several times with the trustees' committee and many
times with the administrative council. You have noticed from
the confidential memoranda sent you that the administrative


CONSOLIDATED UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA 5 dent, for two library courses for teachers in the department of education at the Woman's College. 10. A joint directorate, under a chairman, of the all-Univer- sity Extension Division. 11. No men students at the Woman's College, in accordance with its purpose and the needs of the state for a distinctly and preeminently woman's college of arts and sciences. 12. The abolition by the board of the offices of vice-president and the appointments by the president, with advice of the trus- tees' committee, of three deans of administration. 13. The appointment of one director of the coordinated sum- mer school, the abolition of the offices of associate directors, and the assumption of their administrative responsibilities by the deans of administration. 14. The beginning of the mobility of staffs and students. 15. The appointment of one dean of one graduate school and the beginning of the coordination and consolidation of graduate work in one graduate school under a provisional council appointed by and responsible to the president. 16. Studies by committees from the students, faculties, trus- tees, and the state with regard to the curricula, budget, student life, departments and schools, in relation to the resources and opportunities of the University and the needs of the people. Our question now is: what, if any, should be the next step in consolidation? In addition to the trustees' committee ap- pointed by the governor, the president appointed committees to advise him on agricultural policies, the textile school, engineering education, teacher training, and other departments of the life of the three institutions. He also referred for discussion and advice the whole question of consolidation and allocation of functions to the administrative council of the Consolidated University. The president did not meet with the committee on engineering education. He submitted some definite questions for their con- sideration, but left them free to make their own studies and rec- ommendations in their own way. By the close vote of 6 to 5 this committee recommended that the engineering schools be consoli- dated at State College. I have deeply appreciated their valuable memoranda but I have not felt bound by their recommendations. I have met several times with the trustees' committee and many times with the administrative council. You have noticed from the confidential memoranda sent you that the administrative



dent, for two library courses for teachers in the department of
education at the Woman's College.

10. A joint directorate, under a chairman, of the all-Univer-
sity Extension Division.

11. No men students at the Woman's College, in accordance
with its purpose and the needs of the state for a distinctly and
preeminently woman's college of arts and sciences.

12. The abolition by the board of the offices of vice-president
and the appointments by the president, with advice of the trus-
tees' committee, of three deans of administration.

13. The appointment of one director of the coordinated sum-
mer school, the abolition of the offices of associate directors, and
the assumption of their administrative responsibilities by the
deans of administration.

14. The beginning of the mobility of staffs and students.

15. The appointment of one dean of one graduate school and
the beginning of the coordination and consolidation of graduate
work in one graduate school under a provisional council appointed
by and responsible to the president.

16. Studies by committees from the students, faculties, trus-
tees, and the state with regard to the curricula, budget, student
life, departments and schools, in relation to the resources and
opportunities of the University and the needs of the people.

Our question now is: what, if any, should be the next step
in consolidation? In addition to the trustees' committee ap-
pointed by the governor, the president appointed committees to
advise him on agricultural policies, the textile school, engineering
education, teacher training, and other departments of the life of
the three institutions. He also referred for discussion and advice
the whole question of consolidation and allocation of functions to
the administrative council of the Consolidated University.

The president did not meet with the committee on engineering
education. He submitted some definite questions for their con-
sideration, but left them free to make their own studies and rec-
ommendations in their own way. By the close vote of 6 to 5 this
committee recommended that the engineering schools be consoli-
dated at State College. I have deeply appreciated their valuable
memoranda but I have not felt bound by their recommendations.
I have met several times with the trustees' committee and many
times with the administrative council. You have noticed from
the confidential memoranda sent you that the administrative