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Dr. Poe moved that the nomination of Dr. Carey H. Bostian as Chancellor of State College be approved, the appointment to become effective September 1, 1953. Mr. Pearsall seconded the motion. Mr. Harris stated that as an alumnus of State College, he wanted to join Mr. Pearsall in seconding the motion to appoint Dr. Bostian. There was some disc ussion from the floor after which the motion of Dr. Poe was put to a vote and unanimously approved and recommended to the full Board.

Mr. Umstead, Chairman of the Committee on Real Estate, presented a proposal for the sale, to the Lutheran Church, of a piece of property belonging to State College, located on Clark Avenue in the City of Raleigh. This property was reclaimed by the College sometime ago and the question involved is that of several thousand dollars of back taxes and assessments against it. The matter was discussed at length, and Mr. Taylor moved that the Committee be authorized, with the advice and approval of the Attorney General, to work out the matter without pleading the statutes or without evading any moral obligation. The motion was seconded and carried.
The meeting then adjourned to meet with the full Board at 11:00 o'clock.

Arch T. Allen

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