Raleigh, North Carolina
September 14, 1953
The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina met in regular session in the office of the Governor at 11:00 A.M., on Monday, September 14, 1954, Governor William B. Umstead presiding, Arch T. Allen, Secretary.
The following members were present, to-wit: Messrs. Edwin Pate, T. J. Pearsall, John W. Clark, John W. Umstead, Jr., Clarence Poe, John J. Parker, Victor S. Bryant, A. H. Harris, L. P. McLendon, Mrs. May L. Tomlinson and Mrs. Virginia T. LAthrop. Also president were President Gray, Vice President and Controller Carmichael, Chancellors House, Graham and Bostian. A message of regret for his inability to attend was received from Mr. W. Frank Taylor.
A warm welcome was extended to Dr. Bostian, the new Chancellor for State College.
Chancellors' Reports
President Gray was recognized and he called on the Chancellors for their reports.
The University at Chapel Hill
Chancellor House presented the following personal report which was unanimously adopted.
Frederick Douglas Lawrason, as Assistant Professor in the Department of Medicine and Assistant Dean of the School of Medicine, at an annual salary of $8500, effective July 1, 1953. Born July 1919, St. Paul, Minnesota; married; three children. B. A. 1941; M. A. and M.B. `944; M.D. 1945, all from University of Minnesota. Experience: Assistant in Anatomy and MEdicine 1942-44, University of Minnesota; Residentce in Medicine `944-46, Yale School of Medicine; Senior Ward Medical Officer; Consultant in Hematology, Naval Medical Resident Instructor 1946-48; Fellow instructor in Medicine 1948-50, Yale School of Medicine; Professonal Associate, National Research Council, 1950.
Deborah C. Leary, as Assistant Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, School of Medicine, at an annual salary of $6500, beginning July 1, 1953. Born, 1912, Boston, Massachusetts; married. B. A. Vassar College 1932; M. D. Yale University School of Medicine 1936. Experience: Assistant and Resident Assistant in Medicine, Yale School of MEdicine 1936-38; Assistant Obstetritian 1938-40, Resident Assistant, rank instructor 1942-43, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine; Clinical Instructor, Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1943-33; Clinical Assistant PRofessor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1948-52, Yale School of Medicine, Professional Associate, National Reserach Council, Division of MEdical Science 1947-51.
William Ellsworth Loring, as Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, School of Medicine, at annual salary of $7000, effective July 1, 1953. Born, 1920, Portland, Maine; married; two children. B. S. Bowdoin College 1943; M. D. Columbia University 1946. Experience: Interne, Long Island College Hospital 1946-47; Medical Officer, U. S. Navy MEdical Corps 1947-49; Teaching Fellow, New York State University Medical Center 1949-51; Assistant Pathologist, Senior Resident Instructor, Yale University MEdical SChool 1951-53.
Frank Counsel Winter, as Assistant Professor and Head, Department of Opthalmology, at annual salary of $8000 beginning Jul 1, 1953. Born, 1922, Charlotte, North Carolina; married; 2 children. B. A. Stanford University 1943; M. D. Stanford University School of Medicine 1946. Experience: Assistant in Surgery (Opth.) Stanford 1951-52; Assistant in Opthalmology, Johns Hopkins 1952-53.
James Watson Woods, Jr., as Assistant Professor, Department of MEdicine, at annual salary of $7500, effective September 1, 1953. Born, 1918, Lewisburg, Tennessee; married; three children. A. B. University of Tennessee 1939; M.D. Vanderbilt University School of Medicine 1943. Experience: Instructor in Medicine, Hospital of University of Pennsylvania 1947-48; Instructor in Medicine, Dukre University School of Medicine 1948-80; Instructor in Physical Diagnosis, University of North Carolina 1948-52; present Assistan tProfessor at Clinical Medicine, UNC.
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