Robert Henry Sager, as Assistant Professor, Department of Periodontology and Oral Pathology, School of Dentistry, at annual salary of $7920, effective June 1, 1954. Born, 1920, Hot Springs, South Dakota; married; one child. D.D.S., Northwestern Dental School 1949; Ph. D. (pending) University of Chicago, 1954. Experience; Interne 1949-50, Assisant 1950-, Zoller Dental Clinic.
David Rollo Hawkins, as Assistant Professor of PSychiatry, School of Medicine, for one year with the privilege of extending the appointment for two additional years, at an annual salary of $6000 effective July 1, 1953. Born September 22, 1923, Springfield, Massachusetts; married; two children. B.A. Amherst College, 1945; M. D. University of Rochester School of Medicine 1946. Experience: Intern and Assistant Resident in Pathology 1946-47; Intern in Internal Medicine 1947-48; Strong Memorial Hospital, University of Rochester; Medical Officer, U. S. Army (part of time chief of Medical Service in Station Hospital) 1948-50; Commonwealth Fund Fellow in Psychiatry and Medicine, University of Rochester 1950-52; Instructor in Psychiatry, University of North Carolina School of Medicine, and Associate Physician, Memorial Hospital 1952-53.
Robert A. Howard, as Assistant Professor, Department of Art, at annual salary of $4400, effective September 1, 1953. Born, 1922, Sapulpa, Oklahoma; married; one child. B. A. University of Tulsa 1949; M.A. University of Tulsa 1949; Studied with Zadkine, Paris 1949-50. Experience: Instructor 1951 to present, University of North Carolina.
William Grant Dahlstrom, as Director, Psychological Services, North Carolina Memorial Hospital, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Psychiatry, at annual salary of $7000, effective September 1, 1953. Born November 1, 1922, inneapolis, Minnesota; married. B.A. 1944 and Ph. D. 1949, University of Minnesota. Experience: Assistant Instructor, University of Minnesota 1944-48; Instructor, Ohio Wesleyan 1948-49; Associate in Psychology 1949-50, Visiting Assistant PRofessor 1950 to present, State University of Iowa.
George Schlager Welsch, as Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Psychiatry, at annual salary of $5700, effective September 1, 1953. Born, 1918, Kington, Pennsylvania; married. B. A. University of Pennsylvania 1940; Ph. D. University of Minnesota 1949. Experience: Assistant Instructor, University of Pennsylvania 1941-43; Psychologyist, Army of United States 1943-46; Psychologist, Veterans Administration 1947-49; Chief Psychologist, Venterans Administration, 1949 to present.
Emmett Earl Baughman, as Associate Professor, Department of Psychology and Psychiatry, at annual salary of $6000 beginning September 1, 1954. Born, 1922, Effingham County, Illinois; married; one child. B. S. University of Chicago 1946l Ph. D. University of Chicago 1951. Experience: Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin, 1951 to present.
David Wilfred Abse, as Associate PRofessor, Department of Psychology, School of Medicine, at an annual salary of $7500, effective October 1, 1953. Born, 1915, Cardiff, Wales; married. B. S. University of Wales 1935; B. Med. and Surg., Welsh National School of MEdicine 1938; Diplomate in Psychological Medicine, University of London 1939; Doctorate in Medicine, University of Wales 1948. Experience: Clinical Assistant Psychiatry, Westminster Hospital 1942; European Mental Hospital, India 1944-46; Chief Assistant, Psychiatric Department, Medical School, Charing Cross Hospital 1949-50; Clinical Director State Hospital, Raleigh 1951 -. Clinical Assistant PRofessor, Department of Psychiatricy, University of North Carolina Medical School 1952-53.
From Associate Professor to PRofessor, effective September 1, 1953, at salaries of $6600 each:
Lowell DeWitt Asby, School of Business Administration
Carl F. Brown, School of Education
Charles A. Kirkpatrick, School of Business Administration
Norman W. Mattis, Department of English
Albert I. Suskin, Department of Classics
Lucille Stuart Spalding, School of Nursing, at salary of $5768.
Eunice N. Tyler, School of Public Health, Department of Public Health Education, at salary of $7394, effective July 1, 1953
From Assistant Professor to Associate Professor, effective September 1, 1953:
E. Maynard Adams, Department of Philospphy, at $5556
E. Marvin Allen, Jr., Department of Physical Education, at $5500
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