Joseph Frederick Bunnett, Department of Chemistry, at $5800
Frederic N. Cleveland, Department of Political Science, at $5668
Foster Fitz-Simons, Department of Dramatic Art, at $5500
Charles E. Jenner, Department of Zoology, at $5500
Jacques Hardre, Department of Romance Languages, at $5500
John E. Keller, Department of Romance Languages, at $5500
Samuel M. Holton, School of Education, at $5500
Allen S. Hurlburt, School of Education, at $6270 (from Kellogg Foundation)
George Kachergis, Department of Art, at $5500
Eugene Long, Department of Psychology, at $5556
W. Robert Mann, Department of Mathematics, at $5500
Wilton mason, Department of Music, at $5500
Joseph L. Morrison, School of Journalism, at $5500
Walter Rabb, Department of Physical Education, at $5500
Albert Radford, Department of Botany, at $5500
Hert W. Reichert, Department of Fermanic Languages, at $5500
Carroll E. Wood, Department of Botan,y at $5500
From Assistant Professor to Associate Professor, effective July 1, 1953:
Elta Mae Mast, School of Public Health, Department of Public Health Education, at $5802.
Charles E. Flowers, School of Medicine, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, at $8000
John B. Graham, School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, at $3750 from the University, %5000 from Markle Foundation Fellowship
Charles A. Bream, School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, at $8466
From Instructor to Assistant Professor, effective September 1, 1953:
Joffre L. Coe, Department of Sociology and Antrhopology, at $4400
James R. Gaskin, Department of English, at $4400
George M. Harper, Department of Enlgihs, at $4400
Chalres Norwood Reilley, Department of chemistry, at $4544
Michael K. Berkut, School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry, at $5230
John Andrako, School of Pharmacy, at $5850
William P. Anderson, School of Education, at $4400 from Kellogg Foundation Funds
From Instructor to Assistant Professor, School of Medicine, effective July 1, 1953:
James A. Green, Department of Anatomy, at $5500
Harld F. Parks, Department of Anatomy, at $5500
George D. Penick, Department of Pathology, at $2970 from University, $5000 from Markle Foundation Fellowship
Margaret C. Swanton, Department of Pathology, at $6308
Warner WElls, Department of Surgery, at $7700
Leaves of Absence
Lowell D. Ashby, Associate Professor of Economics, School of Business Administration, is recommended for an approved leave without salary for the academic year 1953-54, in order to accept a fellowship from the Foundation for the Advancement of Education, of the Ford Foundation. Dr. Ashby will study at Harvard.
Ralph W. Pfouts, Associate Professor of Economics, School of Business Administration, is recommended for an approved leave, without salary, for the academic year 1954-54, in order to accept fellowship from Social Science Research Council. He will pursue study and research at Cambridge in England.
Samuel M. Holton, Assistant Professor, School of Education, is recommended for an approved leave, without salary, for the academic year 1953-54, to act as a school principal in the state, in order to add this type of experience to his background in Education.
Constantine P. Cavarnos, Assistant Professor in Philosophy, is recommended for an approved leave, without salary, for the academic year, 1953-54, in order to complete research and write.
Extension of Leave of Absence
Herbert E. Robbins, Professor of Statistics, is recommended for an extension of leave through the academic year 1953-54, in order to continue study at the Institute for Advanced Science at Princeton, and to ace as Visiting PRofessor at Columbia.
Lynn Gault, Assistant Professor, Department of Dramatic Art, resigned as of June 30, 1953, to go into private business.
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