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" (f) Subject to the provisions of the preceding subsections, when appropriate signs have been erected, placed or installed or painted on the curb or pavement giving notice thereof, no person shall park between the hours of seven o'clock A.M. and three o'clock P.M. on Monday through Saturday of each week on any of the parking areas or spaces owned by the University within the following described area except the staff members of the University (who shall consist of the teaching faculty of the University holding the rank of full-time instructor or above, the administrative officers, the extension force and other full-time permanent employees of the University), physically handicapped students in the University and others who can demonstrate the need for a special parking permit who are approved by the Dean of Studies, and bona fide visitors and guests of the University:
"From the intersection of Franklin and Columbia Streets east to the intersection of Franklin and Hillsboro Streets, south to the intersection of Hillsboro Street and Raleigh Road (Highway 54) and Columbia Street, and North the intersection of Columbia Street and Franklin Streets."
The proposed amendment to the parking lot regulations was unanimously adopted.

Controller Carmichael submitted a proposal from Mr. James L. Ballou to give to the University at Chapel Hill property which he owns in Ashe County, subject to certain conditions to be outlined in the deed for the property.
The matter was discussed at length, and it was referred to the Committee on Real Estate with instructions to take it up with the Attorney General and report back to the next meeting of the Executive Committee.

1. Faculty Salary Scale
President Gray requested permission to advance the Trustee-approved faculty salary scale so as to include the 10% increase granted by the last Legislature. Mr. Pate moved that the schedule of faculty salaries be revised upward to the extent of 10%. The motion was seconded and carried.

2. Proposed Contract with United States Armed Forces Institute
President Gray called attention to reports in the press that the University was one of fourteen institutions which found itself unable to enter into a new contract with the United States Armed Forced Institute, under which extension courses are offered to service personnel. The contract as proposed would in effect enable the Department of Defense to make a determination as to employment or dismissal of faculty members who may be involved in the program. Mr. Gray pointed out that the University should not enter into the contract because it cannot surrender to an outside agency this sort of power. The members of the Executive Committee expressed approval of the position taken by the University.

3. Trustees' Orientation
President Gray announced the dates for the next Trustees' Orientation Course to be October 20, 21 and 22. They will meet the first day at the Woman's College, the second day at Chapel Hill, and at State College the third day.

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