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4. Flouridation of water at Chapel Hill
President Gray reported the receipt of a letter from Mr. John Sprunt Hill opposing flouridation of water at Chapel Hill. No action was deemed necessary at this time.

5. Administrative Survey
Reporting on this matter, President Gray stated it was hoped the Committee to consider recommendations of the survey people would be ready to present part of the report for consideration at this meeting. Mr. Taylor, Chairman of the Trustees' Committee, was not present, but President Gray felt that part of the report would be ready for the next meeting of the Executive Committee.

6. Appointments for Consolidated University
On recommendation of President Gray, the following transfers to the Consolidated University were approved:
1. Robert Frederic Schenkkan, as Director of Television for the Consolidated University of North Carolina at an annual salary of $9000, effective September 1, 1953. Mr. Schenkkan is now Associate Professor, Department of Radio, Communication Center, University at Chapel Hill.

2. Alan B. MacIntyre, as Chief Engineer of Television Activities for the Consolidated University at an annual salary of $7000 effective September 1, 1953. Mr. MacIntyre is not Research Associate, Department of Engineering Research, N. C. State College.

Mr. Umstead, Chairman of the Committee on Real Estate, presented the following:
1. Broadfoot Property, Raleigh
Request for formal approval of a transaction involving the exchange of a small piece of property belonging to State College, and the purchase of a piece of property known as the "Broadfood Property" contiguous to the campus on Western Boulevard. This transaction was approved by mail with the understanding that formal presentation would be made at this time. On motion of Dr. Poe, seconded by Major McLendon, the transaction was unanimously approved.

2. Walkway for Friends Church in Chapel Hill
A recommendation to grant an easement for walkway across University property in Chapel Hill near the intersection of The Raleigh and Country Club Roads to the proposed site of the Friends Church. This recommendation was approved with instructions that the Real Estate Committee request the Attorney General to draft the papers in such a way that the easement across University property will not be a perpetual one in the event of change in ownership of the present church property.

3. Iredell County Property owned by Agricultural Experiment Station
Reported a recommendation from State College for the sale of a tract of land in Iredell County belonging to the Agricultural Experiment Station for $31,000 and the purchase of other land in Roan County in order to relocate its operations in oconnection with the N.C. Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Mr. Umstead felt that a better price might be had for this property, and he recommended and so moved that the Real Estate Committee be authorized to have the property appraised by someone familiar with values in Iredell County. Mr. Harris seconded the motion and Mr. Umstead and his Committee were authorized to have the property appraised, and were given power to act on the basis of such appraisal.

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