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Governor's Office
Raleigh, North Carolina
November 16, 1953

The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina met in regular session at 11:00 A.M., on Monday, November 16, 1953, in the office of the Governor in the State Capitol. The following were president, to-wit: Governor William B. Umstead, Chairman, Arch T. Allen, Secretary, Mr. John W. Clark, Mr. T. J. Pearsall, Mr. John W. Umstead, Dr. clarence Poe, Mrs. May L. Tomlinson, Mr. W. Frank Taylor, Mrs. Virginia T. Lathrop and Mr. Victor S. Bryant, Members: President Gray, Vice President and Controller Carmichael, Chancellors House, Graham and Bostian..
President Gray was recognized and he in turn called on the Chancellors for their reports:

Chancellor House made the following report which was unanimously approved:
1. Appointments
Kermit Frederick Knudtzon, as Associate Professor of Public Health and Dental Science, School of Dentistry, at an annual salary of $8,500 effective December 1, 1953. Born August 3, 1904, Chicago, Illinois, single. D. D. S., University of Illinois College of Dentistry, 1927. Experience: On Staff, Illinois Research Hospital, 1927-29; Associate, Illinois Dental College, 1929-42; Private Practice 1942-53.

Norval N. Luxon, has been appointed as Dean of the School of Journalism and Professor, at a salary of $10,000 beginning December 1, 1953. Dr. Luxon has been approved by the Board of Trustees and has accepted the appointment. His qualifications are outlined below for the record. Born, 1919, New London, Ohio; married; one child. B.S. (in Journ.) 1923, and M.A. 1931, The Ohio State University; Ph. D. 1940, University of California. Experience: Instructor to Professor 1928-53, coordinator ASTP, 1943-44; Director, Twilight School 1944-46, Assistant to President 1946-53, all at Ohio State University; Associate Professor, University of California at Los Angeles, 1940-42.

2. Re-appointment
Eugen Roelofs, is recommended for reappointment as Associate Professor of Marine Science on the staff of the institute of Fisheries Research, as of July 1, 1953.

3. Leave of Absence
S. Young Tyree, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, is recommended for an approved leave, without salary, for the academic year 1954-55, to do special work at the Office of Naval Research.

4. Resignation
Allen S. Hurlburt, Director of the Bureau of Educational Service and Associate Professor, School of Education, resigned as of October 1, 1953, to accept a position with the State Department of Public Instruction as Assistant Superintendent in Charge of Instruction.

5. Correction in Title
In order to correct the minutes of the Executive Committee of May, 1950, it is requested that the following be incorporated in the minutes:
"Dr. Bernard Boyd was appointed Gray Professor of the Bible, beginning September 1, 1590, rather than Associate Professor of Biblical Literature as heretofore reported."

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