Chancellor Bostian presented the following on behalf of State College, which was unanimously approved:
1. Appointments
Walter Earl Thomas Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Industry, School of Agriculture, at an annual salary of $6000 for 12 months, effective October 1, 1953, replacing Dr. R. B. Casady. Salary to be paid from College and Expeirment Station Funds. Dr. Thoams was born October 3, 1921, Caldwell County, Kentucky; married; 3 children. B.S. University of Kentucky 1943; M.S. University of Kentucky 1947; Ph.D. Cornell University 1950. Experience: Teacher, Dawson High School, Dawson Springs, Kentucky 1942; Army 1943-46; Private to Captain; Graduate School 1946-50, Assistant Professor, Animal Industry, University of Kentucky 1950-53; Big Stone Farms, Milford, Delaware 1953.
Nash Nicks Winstead as Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology, Division of Biological Sciences, School of Agriculture, at an annual salary of $5200 for 12 months, effective October 1, 1953, from Agricultural Experiment Station funds. This is a new position. Born June, 1925, Durham County, N. C.; married; no children. B. S. 1948 and M.S. 1951, N.C. State College; Ph. D. 1953, University of Wisconsin. Experience: Army, 1943-46; Smith Douglass Fertilizer Company 1948-49.
Paul Newell Drolsom as Research Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology, Division of Biological Sciences, School of Agriculture, at an annual salary of $4800, for 12 months, effective September 1, 1953. Source of funds: U.S. Department of Agriculture. Born July 25, 1925, Martell, Wisconsin; married; no children. B.S.. 1949; M.S. 1950; Ph. D. 1953, University of Wisconsin. Experience: Army, 1943-46; Tobacco Experiment Station, Oxford, N. C., USDA Agent (Pathologist), January, 1953 to present.
John Gustav Moseman as Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology, Division of Biological Sciences, School of Agriculture, at an annual salary of $5368, for 12 months, effective September 1, 1953. Salary paid by U.S. Department of Agriculture. Born December 7, 1921, Oakland, Nebraska; married; 2 children. B.S. 1943, University of Nebraska; M.S. 1948, Washington State College; Ph. D. 1950, Iowa State College. Experience: Resident Assistant, `946-48, Washington State College; Graduate Res. Assistant, 1948-50, Iowa State College; Plant Pathologist, 1950 to present, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Beltsville, Maryland.
Lee Homer Person as Research Associate Professor, Plant Pathology, Division of Biological Sciences, School of Agriculture, at an annual salary of $6500 for 12 months, effective September 1, 1953. Source of funds: U.S. Department of Agriculture. Born February 3, 1904, Memphis, Tennessee; married; one child. B.S., 1926, Miss. State College; M.S. 1934; Ph. D. 1937, university of Minnesota. Experience: Instructor of Botany, Mississippi State College 1926-27; U.S.D.A., summers 1926-29; Assistant and Associate, Pathology, Louisana State University, 1929-43; Pathologist, USDA, 1943-44; Associate Pathologist, Res. Louisana State University, 1944-47; Associate Pathologist, Res., Michigan State College, 1947; Pathologist, USDA, 1947 to present, stationed at Raleigh, N.C.
Leave of Absence
R. B. Casady, Assistant Professor of Animal Industry, leave of absence for one year beginning October 1, 1953, to work on problems of Physiology at Johns Hopkins University.
Cecil D. Elliott, Assistant Professor of Architecture, June 1953
Ivan Y. T. Feng, Visiting Associate Professor of Textiles, September 15, 1953
Per Gustav Isberg, Assistant Professor of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, June 15, 1953.
James H. Jensen, Professor and Head of Plant Pathology Faculty, November 15, 1953.
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