Chancellor Emeritus and Archivist
President Gray was recognized and he called on Chancellor Bostian who presented a recommendation to officially designate Colonel John W. Harrelson as Chancellor Emeritus and Archivist at State College. Colonel Harrelson would serve as Archivist on a part-time basis and would be paid a modest salary with funds especially raised by the Development Council. This would not impair his payments from the State Retirement System. The salary would be paid not more than a few years, but he would hold the title of Chancellor Emeritus as long as he lives. Chancellor Bostian pointed out that Chancellor Harrelson has been with the College during all but 16 years of its history and in that time a vast wtih the College during all but 16 years of its history and in that time a vast amount of worthwhile material has been accumulated which should be cataloged and classified for the archives. It is felt that no better person could be found for this work. This recommendation has the unanimous approval of the Executive Committee.
Mr. Sutton moved that the recommendation to officially designate Colonel Harrelson as Chancellor Emeritus and Archivist be approved. The motion was seconded by Dr. Poe, and it was unanimously approved.
President Gray discussed briefly the matter of installation of Chancellors and stated that heretofore there has been no formal installation of Chancellors. He suggested that a new procedure be adopted to begin formally to install the encumbents of that position. He recommended that at the regular winter meeting of the Board, which is to be held at State College of Februray 22, 1954, the Trustees and their wives and husbands attend a luncheon at the College, following which there would be a simple and dignified ceremony at which time Chancellor Bostian would be asked to make such statements upon his official taking office as he wishes to make. This would not involve invitations to delegates from all the learned societies and institutions, although invitations would be issued to educational leaders in this area. President Gray asked approval of the Board for this proposed procedure. The recommendationw as unanimously approved.
President Gray then presented a recommendation, which was unanimously approved by the Executive Committee and referred to this Board, for the appointment of Dr. James Harris Purks as Provost of the Consolidated University to succeed Dr. Logan Wilson who resigned to become President of the University of Texas. A complete biographical sketch of Dr. Purks is contained in the minutes
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