4. Joseph Candler Hutchinson, as Assistant Professor, Department of Romance Languages, at an annual salary of $4,500, beginning September 1, 1954. Born January 10, 1920, Hazelhurst, Georgia; married. B.A. 1940 and M.A. 1941, Emory University; Ph.D., 1950, University of North Carolina.
Experience: Teacher, Technological High School, Atlanta, 1941-42; Instructor, Emory University, 1946-47; Instructor, University of North Carolina, 1947-1950; Assistant Professor, Sweet Briar, 1950-51-1953.
1. Edward C. Frank, Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry School of Medicine, resigned as of December 31, 1953, to accept a post as Director of Psychiatry Unit in a new Jewish hospital in St. Louis.
2. John M. Stedman, Assistant Professor, Department of English, who is on military leave, resigns without returning to the University from that leave.
Continuation of Service for one year for Faculty Members and Non-academic Employees who will have reached age of Seventy by July 1, 1954:
B. L. Ullman Classics
L. R. Wilson Library Science
P. L. Burch Manager, Victory Village
Mrs. B. B. Lane Secretary to the Librarian
F. J. leClair Horitulcutist
Allen Johnson Weekly employee of Buildings and Grounds
Continuation of Service for one year at a time to age seventy for faculty members who will have reached age sixty-five by July 1, 1954.
C. Phillips Russell Journalism
W. Carson Ryan Education
D. D. Carroll Business Administration
H. W. Crane Psychology
A. W. Hobbs Mathematics
W. J. McKee Extension
O. J. Coffin Journalism
J. F. Dashiell Psychology
J. T. Dobbins Chemistry
P. H. Epps Classics
S. E. Leavitt Romance Languages
E. M. Morwitz German
C. E. Teague Business Manager
W. C. George Anatomy
R. J. M. Hobbs Business Administration
Katharine Jocher Sociology
A. M. Jordan Education
G. T. Schwenning Business Administration
On motion of Mr. Umstead, duly seconded, the recommendations of Chancellor House were unanimously approved.
Chancellor House reported that Miss Laura Jean Bryant who entered the School of Nursing last year and is now in here Sophomore year desired to transfer from the School of Nursing to some other school in the University vocationally more appropriate for her, provided, her standing is high enough to permit the transfer. Chancellor House explained that Freshman girls can enter only the School of Pharmacy and the School of Nursing unless they are bona fide residents of Chapel Hill Township, and that transfers had not been permitted heretofore because it was desired to enforce the regulations against admitting reshman or
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