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sophomore girls and not to allow entrance in Pharmacy or Nursing to be used as a means to enter the University before their junior year, but that some girls had honest reasons for making the transfer just as some boys have honest reasons for making transfers for vocational considerations. It was understood that the privilege would not be abused, but that the administration might use its discretion in these matters.
Chancellor House called attention to a request, made sometime ago, by Mr. John Sprunt Hill on the question of flouridation of water at Chapel Hill. Mr. Hill requested that he and others in opposition be heard on this subject if and when it became apparent that the Executive Committee should take some action in the matter. There was some discussion of the matter, and it was understood that the Administration would hear those who oppose flouridation if a formal application is presented. Mr. Clark requested that literature on this subject be sent to all members of the Executive Committee.

President Gray presented Chancellor Graham whose recommendations were as follows:

A request for provisional approval, contingent upon receipt of expected recommendation through appropriate channels, of the appointment of

Dr. Kendon Rasey Smith as Professor of Psychology and Head of the Department of Psychology at a salary of $8,000. The effective date of employment will be September 1, 1954. Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 4, 1918; married, two children. A. N. University of Minnesota, 1941 (graduated magna cum laude); M. A. Princeton University, 1942; Ph. D. Princeton University, 1943.
Experience: Graduate Assistant, Princeton, 1941-43; Research Psychologist, U. S. Office of Scientific Research and Development, 1943-46; Instructor in Psychology, 1946-47, Assistant Professor, 1947-48, Princeton University; Associate Professor of Psychology and Editor Psychological Cinema Register, Pennsylvania State University, 1948 to present.

Mrs. Lathrop moved and Mrs. Tomlinson seconded, that such approval be given, pending the receipt of the repot of the Committee, and with the approval of the President. The motion carried.

Promotions: None

Leaves of Absence:
Miss Virginia Farinholt, Associate Professor of romance Languages, for the period October 19 to November 2, for Navy service, and for the period November 8, 1953 to August 31, 1954 by reason of illness in her family. Both leaves of absences are without salary.

Miss Patty Spruill, Associate Professor of Business Education, for the period March 1, 1954 to August 31, 1954, without salary.

Resignations: None.

Miss Abigail E. rowley, Associate Professor of English, effective August 31, 1954. Miss Rowley was born on September 20, 1887 and has been in the service of the College since 1922. She is retiring at her own request

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