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and should be designated Associate Professor of English Emeritus.

Miss Viva M. Playfoot, Professor of Home Economics, effective August 31, 1954. Miss Playfoot was born on March 11, 1888 and has been in the service of the College since 1925. This schedule was agreed upon in conversations with her in the Spring of 1953. She should be designated Professor of Home Economics Emeritus.

Glenn R. Johnson, Professor of Sociology and Head of the Department, effective August 31, 1954. Professor Johnson was born on OCtober 24, 1888, and has been in the service of the College since 1923. He is retiring at his own requrest, and should be designated as PRofessor of Sociology Emeritus.

Miss Patty Spruill, Associate Professor of Business Education, effective August 31, 1954. Miss Spruill was born on February 12, 1889 and has been in the service of the college since 1923. She is to be on leave of absence without salary effective March 1, 1954 until her retirement. She has been physically incapacitated for teaching since last summer. She should be designated Associate Professor of Business Education Emeritus.

Miss Elva E. Barrow, Professor of Chemistry, effective August 31, 1954. Professor Barrow was born on July 6, 1889 and has been in the service of the College since 1916. She is retiring at her own request, and should be designated Professor of Chemistry Emeritus.

Deaths: None
Mr. Taylor moved that the above recommendations of Chancellor Graham be approved. This motion was seconded by Mrs. Lathrop, and was unanimously approved. President Gray introduced Dr. Harris Purks the new Provost.

Chancellor Bostian made the following recommendations on behalf of State College, which were unanimously approved:
1. Ralph Leroy Burgin, Jr., as Television PRogram Director at North Carolina State College, at an annual salary of $10,000, effective February 1, 1954. This is a new position. Born August 14, 1915, Charlotte, N.C.; married, 3 children. A.B. University of North Carolina, 1936; CPTP Ground School,. N. C. State College, 1940-41.
Experience: Announcer-Publicity Director, Radio Station WSJS, Winston-Salem, N. C., 1936-38; Profducer-Writer-Announcer, WPTF, Raleigh, N. C., 1938-42; Radio Production Director, NBC , Washington, D. C., 1949-54. Lecturer on Radio and TV, The American University, Washington, D. C., 1948-53.

2. Arthur James Coutu, as Research Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics, School of Agriculture, at an annual salary of $6000 for 12 months, effective January 1, 1954, replacing Thomas G. Toon (transferred to the Agricultural Extension Service). Salary to be paid from Agricultural Experiment Station funds. Born September 14, 1924, Hardford, Conn. Married, 2 children. B.S., University of Conn. 1949; M. S. University of Conn., 1950; Summer School, Trinity College, 1946, Harvard University, 1951; N. C. State College, 1951-53.
Experience: U. S. Marine Corps, 1943-46; Instructor University of Connecticut, June 1950 - September, 1951; Res. Asst., N. C. State, 1952.

3. Mr. James Edwin Pardue as Assistant Professor, Department of Yarn Manufacturing, School of Textiles, at an annual salary of $5200 for 9 months, effective September 1, 1953, replacing Professor John T. Hilton (retired). Born May 18, 1924, Elkin, North Carolina; married, one child. B. S., N. C. State College, 1951.
Experience: Warp Room Employee, Chatham Manufacturing Company, 1942-43; U. S. Air Force, last Lt. 1943-46l Training Program, Chatham Manufacturing Company 1946-47; Fabrics Design, Chatham Mfg. Co., 1951-52.

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