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4. Calvin Bruce Skotland as Research Assistant Professor of Plant Pathology, Division of Biological Sciences, School of Agriculture, at an annual salary of $5060 for 12 months, to be paid from U.S. Dept. of AGri. County, North Dakota; married, 2 children. B. S. Utah State Agricul. College, 1950; Ph. D., University of Wisconsin, 1953.
Experience: 1944-46, U.S. Navy; Plant Pathologist, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, August 10, 1953 to present.

1. Robert Dean Bunn, Associate Professor in the School of Textiles, effective April 30, 1953.
2. Richard Cecil Davis, Asst. Professor of Textile Chemistry, effective December 31, 1953.
3. Horace J. Hendrickson, Head Football Coach, Effective Dec. 31, 193.
4. Edgar Warren McElwee, Research Professor of Horticulture, effective September 30, 1953.
5. William N. Wood, Assistant Dean of Students, on leave of absence for military service since July 26, 1951. Resignation received January 7, 1954.

Leave of Absence:
George A. Gullette, Head of the Department of Social Studies, School of General Studies, for the period January 1, 1954 - July 1, 1955, to direct a nation-wide study of the teaching of the humanities and social sciences in engineering education for the American Society for Engineering Education. Dr. Gullette will maintain headquarters for his project on the State College campus.

Promotion and Extension of Leave:
Robert J. Monroe, from position of Associate Professor at an annual salary of $8349 for twelve months to Professor of Experimental Statistics at an annual salary of $9200 for twelve months, effective March 1, 1954, to be paid from College, Station and Institute of Statistics funds. Mr. Monroe was granted leave-of-absence from January 1, 1953 - January 1, 1954, and is now requested that his leave be extended until March 1, 1954.

Walter John Peterson
Dr. Peterson joined the N. C. State College staff in 1942 as Professor and Head, Nutrition Section, Animal Industry Dept. In 1949 he became Head of the Chemistry Department. He is a native of Michigan, receiving the B. S. and M. S. degrees from Michigan State College, and a PH.D. from the University of Iowa. Dr. Peterson is Chairman of the N. C. State College faculty, has served on many important College committees, is a member of the N. C. Academy of Science, American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Chemical Society. His honor society affiliations include Sigma Xi, Phi Sigma, Phi Lambda Upsilon and Phi Kappa Phi. He has made significant contributions in the field of chemistry as related to nutrition. His more than 60 scientific publications include work in carotene of forage plants, nutritional diseases of animals, phosphorus and calcium requirements of poultry, swine and cattle.
Dr. Peterson's present salary is $10,810. It is recommended that effective February 1, 1954, he receive an annual salary of $11,000 ($8,000 College and Agricultural Experiment Station; $3,000 William Neal Reynolds fund).

Zeno Payne Metcalf
Dr. Metcalf has occupied many positions of academic and administrative importance since he came to the N. C. State College in 1912. He is at present Professor of Zoology and Entomology, having served as Director of Instruction in the School of Agriculture, 1923-44, and as Director of Graduate Studies, 1940-50. Dr. Metcalf is a member of many professional and scholastic societies

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