and has been president of both the Entomological Society of America and the Ecological Society of America. He has published many scientific articles and is now engaged in a study of Homoptera throughout the world, sponsored partly by the NAtional Science Foundation. He was the official delegate of Entomological Society of America at the International Congress of Zoology, Paris, and the International Congress of Entomology, Stockholm, in 1948, and also the delegate of the National Research Council at the Stockholm conference.
Dr. Metcalf's present salary is $9, 438. It is recommended that he be appointed William Neal Reynolds Professor in Entomology as of February 1, 1954, at an annual salary of $10,000.
Carolina Powre and Light Company Right-of-Way.
Mr. Carmichael presented a request from the Carolina Power and Light Company for approval of a right-of-way or easement for a powerl ine over State College property in Johnston County, and recommended its approval. On motion of Dr. Poe, duly seconded, approval was granted and the matter was referred to the Governor for signature and for the approval of the Council of State.
President Gray submitted the following:
The University administration believes that the 60-year-old tradition of seeking excellence in Intercollegiate Athletics without compromising University integrity or ignoring the dictates of honesty or creating an unbalance in the use of institutional resources can best be kept by administering and controlling athletics in the same manner in which other departments are administered and controlled.
Therefore, the Chancellors and the President recommend to the Board of Trustees the following principles:
1. Intercollegiate athletics at the University in Chapel Hill and North Carolina State College in Raleigh shall be administered and their budgets controlled, under the authority delegated by the Board of Trustees, by the Chancellors, with the approval of the President, in the same manner that other departments of our institutions are administered and controlled.
2. Athletic personnel, including Directors of Athletics and Coaches, shall be subject only to the authority of the administrative officers of the instittuions, as prescribed by the Chancellor and approved by the President.
3. The Faculty Committee on Athletics at each institution shall be advisory to the Chancellor in all matters pertaining to intercollegiate athletics of concern to the faculties, except that authority may be delegated to this Committee by the Chancellor with the approval of the President.
4. The Athletic Council at each institution shall be advisory to the Chancellor, and shall not have administrative or operating authorities or responsibilities, except as may be specially prescribed by the Chancellor and approved by the President.
5. All rules and regulations in conflict with these provisions are repealed.
On motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, the foregoing recommendations were approved.
On recommendation of Chancellor Bostian, approved by President Gray, the following resolution was unanimously adopted:
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