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YMCA Building
N. C. State College Campus
Raleigh, North Carolina

February 22, 1954

The Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina met in Special Session in the YMCA Building on the campus of State College at 9:45 A.M., on Monday, February 22, 1954; the following being present, to-wit: Governor Umstead, Chairman, Arch T. Allen, Secretary, Messrs. Parker, Taylor, Clark, Bryant, McLendon, Pearsall, Harris, Poe, Umstead, Mrs. Lathrop and Mrs. Tomlinson, members; President Gray, Vice President and Controller Carmichael, Vice President and Provost Purks, Chancellors House, Bostian and Graham.
President Gray was recognized and he called on Chancellor House will presented the following:
1. A request for exception tio the Nepotism Rule in order to allow the son of one of the professors to fill a temporary teaching job on a part-time part-student basis.

2. A request for leave of absence, with pay, for the academic year 1954-55 for Dr. Keith-Lucas in order that he may complete requirements for his doctorate from Duke University.

3. A request to change the regulation on meetings of the Campus Stores Committee from monthly to one meeting each semester with provision that other meetings may be called at the request of two members of the Committee.

Mr. Victor Bryant moved that the requests and recommendations of Chancellor House be approved. The motion was seconded and carried. President Gray asked that the request with regard to meetings of the Campus Stores Committee for the University at Chapel Hill be extended to include the other two institutions. This request was approved.

Chancellor Graham presented the following:
Selma F. Lippeatt as Professor of Home Economics Education at $7,000 a year, effective September 1, 1954, on the basis of nine months teaching duties. This is a vacant position, currently in the budget. Professor Lippeatt aws born in Ft. Smith, Arkansas, June 28, 1916. Single. B.S.F. Arkansas State Teachers College, 1938; M. S. University of Tennessee, 1945; Ph. D. Pennsylvania State University, 1953; additional graduate courses in Education Administration from University of Arkansas 1950-51. Experience: Vocational Home Economics Teacher, Arkansas high schools, 1938-44; District Supervisor, Home Economics Education, State Department of Education, Arkadelphia, Ark., 1944 to present.

George Welton Marquis as Professor of Music and Dean of the School of Music, replacing the late Dean H. Hugh Altvater, at a salary ofd $7,800. Effective

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