September 1, 1954. Born in Walla Walla, Washington, March 4, 1916; married. A. B., Whitman College, 1936; private study in composition and counterpoint with Stephen Balogh, 1937; A.M., Whitman College, 1942; Ph.D. University of Southern California, 1950.
Experience: Arranger, composer, conductor in Hollywood, Calif., work in radio, motion picture studios 1937-41; Supervisor of Music in the Woodland, Washington Public Schools; director of bands, choruses in high school; teacher of music in elementary school and in junior high school; teacher of mathematics and biology, 1942; Visiting Lecturer, University of Southern California, summer, 1950; Head, Department of Music, Northern Illinois State Teachers College, DeKalb, Illinois, 1950 to present. Military service, 1942-46.
On motion of Major McLendon, duly seconded, the recommendations of Chancellor Graham were approved.
Chancellor Bostian presented the following on behalf of State College:
Blaine Frank Parker, as Assistant Professor of Agricultural Engineering, School of Agriculture, at an annual salary of $5800 for twelve months, effective March 24, 1954, rep,acing N. C. Teter. Source of funds: College and Agricultural Experiment Station. Born June 12, 1924; Gaston County, N. C.; married, no children. B. S. Virginia Polytechnic Institute, 1950; M. S. Michigan State College, 1952; at present, Ph.D. candidate.
Experience: 1943-46, U.S. Air Force; 1947, USDAm Bureau of Plant Industry, Soils and Agricultural Engineering at Blacksburg, Va.; 1948-49, TVA, Chattanooga, Tennessee, 1950-52, Instructor in Agricultural Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia.
Leave of Absence
Lee R. Martin, Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics ,School of AGriculture
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