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*new appointee.

The University at Greensboro

Chancellor Singletary presented the report for the Woman's College as follows:


Thomas Eugene Niedringhaus, as Assistant Professor of Geography, subject to completion of doctor's degree before September 1, 1963, otherwise to be named Instructor without prejudice to salary of $6,900 on basis of nine months teaching duties, effective September 1, 1963. Born 1930, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Married. Two children. Education: B. A. cum laude, Kalamazoo College 1953; M.A. Michigan State University 1959; Ph.D. pending, Michigan State University. Experience: Graduate Assistant, 1957-59, Assistant Instructor I960-, Michigan State University. Military service with U. S. Army in Japan. Interviewed by: Dean Mereb E. Mossman.

Dr. Marie Alice Riley, as Assistant Professor in Physical Education at salary of $8,000 effective September 1, 1963. Born 1925, Niagara Falls, New York. Single. Education: B.S. State Teachers College, Cortland, New York 1948; M.A. State University of Iowa 1952; Ph.D. , Florida State University 1962. Experience: Instructor, University of Rochester 1948-51; Assistant, State University of Iowa 1951-52; Instructor, Curry Laboratory School, The Woman's College 1952-54; Assistant Professor, State University College, Cortland, N. Y. 1954-57; Associate Professor, 1957-60; Assistant, Florida State University 1962-62; Associate Professor, State University College, Cortland 1962--. Interviewed by: Dean Mereb E. Mossman.

Dr. Arthur Joseph Rubel, as Assistant Professor in Sociology and Anthropology at annual salary of $7,200 effective September 1, 1963. Born 1924, Shanghai, China; citizen of United States. Married. One child. Education: B.A. Mexico City College 1949; M.A. University of Chicago 1957; Ph.D. University of North Carolina 1962. Experience: Research Assistant and Ethnographer, University of Chicago 1956-57; Research Assistant, University of Texas 1957-59; Social Science Consultant, Public Health Service 1959; Pre-doctoral research fellow, National Institute of Mental Health 1960-62; Part-time (second semester) instructor in Department of Sociology and Anthropology, The Woman's College 1961-62; Behavioral Science Section, Department of Health, Education, Welfare, Washington, D.C. 1962-63. Interviewed by: Dean Mereb E. Mossman.

Dr. James F. Wilson, as Professor of Biology, with permanent tenure, at annual salary of $11,400 for nine months teaching duties, effective February 1, 1964. Born 1921. Married. Two children. Education: B.S. Southern Illinois University; M.S. Iowa State College, Ph.D. Stanford University. Experience: Approximately one year of teaching at Southern Illinois University and Iowa State College; 15 years' teaching experience at Hartnell College; Summer of 1959 and six weeks last fall, Rockefeller Institute; five summers, research at USDA Station on guayule rubber, three summers work in control laboratory in sugar beet factory; Research on plant-parasitic nematodes and predatory fungi; six months experience in blood fractionation at Cutter Laboratories in Berkley, California. Interviewed by: Chancellor Singletary.

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