Pages That Need Review
Volume 17: November 12, 1971–June 23, 1972
campus at the Research Triangle, back on the campus; he stated that the proposed laboratory-office building would take care of this project adequately. Mr. Smith moved, seconded by Mr. White, approval of Item 2. The vote carried. (Mr. Hill requested that the record show that he did not vote.)
President Friday presented the Chancellors for their personnel reports and recommendations.
For North Carolina State University at Raleigh - Chancellor Caldwell
On motion of Mr. White, seconded by Mr. Smith, the personnel report and recommendations for the North Carolina State University were approved.
Head Football Coach
Chancellor Caldwell reported that the committee to recommend a head football coach for North Carolina State University at Raleigh would be in a position to make its recommendation within a matter of days. Mrs. Wilson moved, seconded by Mr. Smith, that, because of the importance of time in this kind of appointment, the Chairman be authorized to appoint a subcommittee from the Executive Committee to work with the Chancellor and empowered to act on this appointment. The motion carried.
The Chairman appointed the following subcommittee, with the proviso that the Chairman have the prerogative of serving should he wish to: Mr. Wood, Chairman; Messrs. Crew, Dees, Smith, White.
For the University of North Carolina at Charlotte - Chancellor Colvard
On motion of Mrs. Lathrop, seconded by Mr. Hill, the personnel report and recommendations for the University of North Carolina at Charlotte were approved unanimously.
For the University of North Carolina at Greensboro - Chancellor Ferguson
On motion of Mr. White, seconded by Mrs. Lathrop, the personnel report and recommendations for the University of North Carolina at Greensboro were approved unanimously.
For the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Provost Morrow
On motion of Mrs. Wilson, duly seconded, the personnel report and recommendations for the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill were approved unanimously.
It was moved, duly seconded, and voted unanimously that President Friday be directed to find means of compensating Chancellor Sitterson for certain losses he sustained on personal property due to his willingness to remain in the Chancellorship beyond his resignation date.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m.
[signature] Arch T. Allen Secretary
For the purpose of electing 16 Trustees to membership on the Board of Governors, it is proposed as follows:
1. That all nominations be made from the floor at the special meeting on November 22.
2. That a ballot be prepared and duplicated listing all nominees in order of their nomination.
3. That all Trustees be required to mark their ballots for 16 of the nominees, with the understanding that ballots marked for more or less than 16 will be discarded.
4. That the 16 nominees receiving the highest number of votes be elected.
5. That a tie for the last place(s) be resolved by a ballot run-off for such place(s).
Note: Section 2-2 of the Code provides that no member of the Board of Trustees shall have the privilege of voting by proxy.
Additional Interim Financing for Dormitory Project The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
WHEREAS, the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina at its meeting August 13, 1971 authorized the University of North Carolina at Charlotte to enter into a Loan Agreement by note, executed by the Vice President-Finance of the University of North Carolina and the Vice Chancellor for Business Affairs of the University of North Carolina at Charlotte with the North Carolina National Bank, Charlotte, North Carolina in the amount of $500,000 at 2.93 percent per annum, and to use from the first funds obtained from the sale of revenue bonds sufficient funds to liquidate the note herein authorized for interim financing, and
WHEREAS, the schedule for the issuance of revenue bonds for this project, as authorized by the Advisory Budget Commission, has necessarily been changed and the amount required for interim financing has been increased, and
WHEREAS, the North Carolina National Bank, Charlotte, North Carolina has agreed to extend the amount authorized by the Executive Committee at the same rate of interest,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University of North Carolina that the University of North Carolina at Charlotte is hereby authorized to increase the amount of the Loan Agreement for this project from the previously authorized amount of $500,000 to $750,000 at 2.93 percent per annum. The University of North Carolina is further authorized to use from the first funds obtained from the sale of revenue bonds sufficient funds to liquidate all notes herein or before authorized for interim financing of this project.
WHEREAS, Chapter 845 of the 1971 Session Laws, which was ratified on July 13, 1971, prescribes for students who are nonresidents of the State, and who are enrolled at the State's institutions of higher education, a set of tuition charges for the academic year beginning in or about September, 1971, and another set of tuition charges for the academic year beginning in or about September, 1972, and all academic years thereafter.
WHEREAS, said Chapter 845 provides that, in specified instances, a special tuition rate not lower than the North Carolina resident rate may be granted in the discretion of the board of trustees of the institution.
WHEREAS, the office of the Attorney General has rendered an opinion to the effect that said Chapter 845 may not be given retroactive effect so as to impair the obligation of contracts or disturb vested rights.
WHEREAS, the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of The University of North Carolina, at its meeting on August 13, 1971, established basic tuition rates for nonresident students for the academic year 1971-72 and for the academic year 1972-73 and thereafter as specified in said Chapter 845.
WHEREAS, the Executive Committee established special tuition rates as authorized by Chapter 845 for the academic year 1971-72 only, requiring that such rates for the academic year 1972-73 be established later.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of The University of North Carolina that special rates for nonresident students shall be charged and collected by the University in the following amounts per regular session for the academic year 1972-73: