UNC System Board of Trustees

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Volume 08: September 10, 1962–May 25, 1964

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461 107

Organized Research: T extile Committee on Safety Physical Science Computing Center

80,478 24.350 61.350 210,335

80,478 8,000 61,350 334,600

Total Organized Research



11,200 43,357

11,200 43, 357






25, 824





School of Agriculture and Life Sciences School of Education

39, 626 29, 000

35,826 24,476

Total Instruction and Departmental Research

68, 526


22,000 23,800

22,000 23, 800

45, 800

45, 800

$ 141,326

$ 133,102



Extension and Public Service and Station WUNC-TV Agriculture Institute WUNC-TV

Total Extension and Public Service and Station WUNC-TV 109



Maintenance and Operation of Plant





General Administration


Instruction and Departmental Research:


Organized Research: Minerals Research Laboratory T extiles Total Organized Research




Salary Increases


Improvements and Expansions

III New Programs

Fiscal Year 1965-66 $


Fiscal Year 1966-67 $11,835





$7,309 Total "B" Budget Request - Code 26l6l

$ 11,835




Salary Increases

$ 458, 847


11 Improvements and Expansions: Two Horticulture Specialists to work on Fruit and Vegetable processing Entomologist-proper use of insecticides Cotton Production Specialist Total Improvements and Expansions

28, 650 13,900 19,050 61,600


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462 III New Programs Total "B" Budget Request - Code 18061








Salary Increases Improvements and Expansions: Swine Breeding Research Poultry Disease Research Peanut Production Research Seafood Processing Research Forestry Research

40,000 30,000 25, 000 17,000 25, 000



III New Programs: Phytotrom Operating Budget Tobacco Bio-Chemistry Res. Marine Zoology Research Economics of Plant Location

45,500 26,000 10,000 18,000

Total New Programs



505, 009

666, 855

Total "B" Budget Request - Code 28041

University at Greensboro

The following personnel report and "B" Budget requests as presented by Chancellor Singletary were unanimously approved:


Edward McCrady, III, as Assistant Professor of Biology, subject to receiving doctor's degree before September 1, 1964; otherwise to be named Instructor without prejudice to salary. The annual salary of $7,800 is based on nine months of actual teaching duties, effective September 1, 1964. Born 1933. Married. Three children. Education: B.S. University of the South 1955; M. A. University of Virginia 1961; Ph.D. expected August, 1964, University of Virginia. Experience: Lab Instructor, University of the South 1955; Process Control Chemist, DuPont Company 1955-56; U. S. Air Force, Strategic Air Command 1956-58; 1958-60 Lab Instructor, Yale University 1960-63 Lab Instructor, University of Virginia. Interviewed by: Dean Mereb E. Mossman.

Clarence H. Vanselow, as Assistant Professor of Chemistry at annual salary of $9,800 based on nine months of service for a period of three years, effective September 1, 1964. Born 1928, Syracuse, New York. Married. Seven children. Education: B.S. 1950; M.S. 1951, and Ph.D. 1957, Syracuse University. Experience: 1951-55 Syracuse University Research Fellow; 1955-56 Ford Foundation Teaching Intern Colgate University; 1956-58 Assistant Professor, Physical Chemistry and Physics, Thiel College; 1958-60 Associate Professor, Physical Chemistry and General Chemistry; 1960-64 Professor, Physical Chemistry and Chemical Literature, and 1962-64 Acting Head, Chemistry Department, Thiel College. Interviewed by: Chancellor Otis A. Singletary.

Eldon E. Posey, as Professor of Mathematics, with permanent tenure, at annual salary of $12,000 based on nine months of service, effective September 1, 1964. Born 1921, Oneida, Tennessee. Married. Two children. Education: B.S. East Tennessee State 1947; M. A. 1950, Ph.D. 1954, University of Tennessee. Experience: 1947 Graduate Assistant, University of Tennessee; 1953-54, Instructor, University of Tennessee; 1954-59 Assistant Professor, West Virginia University; 1959-, Assistant Professor, then Associate Professor, and presently Professor, Virginia Polytechnic Institute. Interviewed by: Chancellor Singletary.

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Leaves of Absence

Dr. Warren Ashby, Professor and Head of the Department of Philosophy, leave for the academic year 1964-65, without salary, in order to accept an appointment by the American Friends Service Committee as Associate Director, International Conferences and Seminar Program for Southern Aisa.

Dr. Richard Bardolph, Professor and Head of the Department of History and Political Science, research leave of absence for the second semester of the academic year 1964-65, with full salary, in order to complete a book on the organization and administration of the Confederate Army.

Miss Lois V. Edinger, Assistant Professor of Education, leave for the academic year 1964-65, without salary, in order to carry out her duties as President of the National Education Association.

Dr. Frederick Rener, Assistant Professor of German, leave of absence for the academic year 1964-65, without salary, in order to accept appointment as an exchange professor in West Germany.

Dr. Robert Rosthal, Associate Professor of Philosophy, leave of absence for the academic year 1964-65, with partial salary of $1,000 in order to accept appointment as a Fellow in the Duke University-University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Co-operative Program in the Humanities.


Dr. Martin Roeder, Associate Professor of Biology, resignation effective August 51, 1964, to accept a position at Florida State University

ACADEMIC AFFAIRS - Code 18161 "B" Budget Reques t 1965/67

1965/66 Total Requirements



1966/67 $1,046,623 (20, 000)

Less Estimated Receipts


General Fund Appropriation



364, 971

545, 929


Salary Increases, E. P.A.


Improvements and Expansion of Existing Programs General Administration General Institutional Expense Instruction and Department Research: New Positions Other Nursing Education - Eliminate Cone Hospital Grant Summer School F acuity Research Grants Television Studio Library: Operating Expenses Books and Journals Maintenance and Operation of Plant

Total Increase in Appropriation

8, 844 6,900 206,808 114,171

206,808 133, 574

20,000 23, 142 10,000 2,000

20,000 25, 464 10,000 2,000

25, 000 75, 000

25, 000 75,000 7,104 06676^3—

President Friday then presented the following "B" Budget Request for the Consolidated University Offices, and on motion of Mr. Hill, seconded by Mrs. Lathrop, it was approved.

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Consolidated University Offices:

Assistant to President - new position Stenographer III for above - new position Secretary to Vice President for Institution­ al Studies - to replace overhead receipts funds applied in support during 1964-65 Supplies, equipment and other expenses



15,000 4,116

15,000 4, 116

2,252 4,300

2,252 4, 300

17,500 23,567 97,025

17,500 21,667 168, 225





Educational Television: Full Time Professional Station Director Improvement of Existing Program Expansion to State-Wide Coverage Maintenance and Operation of Plant: Supplies, utilities and upkeep Merit Salary Increments: For Personnel Subject to the Personnel Act Salary Increases: Senior Administrative Staff - according to the recommendation of the Trustees' Com­ mittee for Administrative Salaries 196365 and concurrence of the Board of Higher Education

* 23,500

23, 500


14, 500









Reduction of Receipts: Appropriation to replace overhead receipts applied to administrative salaries by the Advisory Budget Commission Highlands Biological Laboratory: to continue operation of the above facility. This is a tentative request and must have intensive study before implementation Sub-total, Code 18101 Long Range Planning: Increased support for the existing program, $5, 000 and $5, 000 to up-date the planning program of UNC at Greensboro, Code 18103 Total


President Friday presented the following resolutions and requested their adoption:

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WHEREAS, the Official Notice of Sale mentioned in said Notice of Sale set forth above was substantially in the following form:


Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Trustees of The University of North Carolina, acting by its Executive Committee, at the Governor's Office, State Capitol Building, Raleigh, North Carolina, until 10:30 o'clock A. M. , Eastern Standard Time,

May 8, 1964,

at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read, for the purchase of not less than par and accrued interest from May 1, 1964 of all or any part of the following described The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Dormitory System Revenue Bonds of 1963 of the Board of Trustees of The University of North Carolina, dated November 1, 1963: $1,647,000 Series A bonds (herein called the "Series A bonds"), maturing November 1 in the years and amounts as follows:

Year of Maturity

Principal Amount

Year of Maturity

1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979

$35, 000 36,000 37,000 38,000 39,000 40,000 41,000 42,000 43,000 44, 000 46,000 47,000 48,000 49,000 51,000 52,000

1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994

Principal Amount $54,000 55,000 57,000 58,000 60,000 62,000 63,000 65,000 67,000 69,000 71,000 73,000 76,000 77,000 52,000

Interest at a rate or rates , not exceeding 5% per annum, averaging not greater than the maximum acceptable rate of 2 3/4% per annum.

$533,000 Series C bonds (herein called the "Series C bonds") maturing November 1 in the years and amounts as follows:

Year of Maturity 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979

Principal Amount $51,000 53,000 55,000 57,000 60,000 62,000 63,000 65,000 67,000

Interest at a rate or rates, not exceeding 5% per annum, averaging not greater than the maximum acceptable rate of 3 1/2% per annum.

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$1,000,000 Series D bonds (herein called the "Series D bonds"), maturing November 1 in the years and amounts as follows:

Year of Maturity 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991

Principal Amount $72,000 74,000 76,000 78,000 80,000 83,000 85,000 86,000 88,000 90,000 93,000 95,000

Interest at a rate or rates, not exceeding 5% per annum, averaging not greater than the maximum acceptable rate of 3% per annum.

$1,000,000 Series E bonds (herein called the "Series E bonds"), maturing November 1 in the years and amounts as follows:

Year of Maturity 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000

Principal Amount $100,000 102,000 105,000 108,000 111,000 114,000 116,000 120,000 124,000

Interest at a rate or rates, not exceeding 5% per annum, averaging not greater than the maximum acceptable rate of 2 7/8% per annum.

Denomination $1,000; coupon bonds registrable as to principal alone; principal of the bonds and semi-annual interest (May 1 and November l) payable at the Wachovia Bank and Trust Company, in the City of Raleigh, North Carolina, or at the principal office of First National City Bank, in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of New York, at the option of the holder or registered owner. At the option of the purchaser of any bonds, a single non-negotiable temporary bond in the amount of each purchase and registered as to principal and interest will be issued, exchangeable within 90 days after notice for definitive negotiable coupon bonds in the denomination of $1,000.

The bonds are part of an issue of $7,029,000 bonds of the Board, authorized by a resolution adopted by the Board on February 24, 1964, consisting of the Series A bonds, $305,000 Series B bonds maturing November 1 in the years 1964 to 1970, inclusive, the Series C bonds, the Series D bonds, the Series E bonds and $2,544,000 Series F bonds maturing November 1 in the years 1967 to 2003, inclusive, issued for the combined purpose of refunding the University of North Carolina Dormitory Revenue Bonds - Series 1956 (herein called the "1956 bonds"), outstanding in the amount of $1,647,000, and the University of North Carolina Dormitory Revenue Bonds of I960, Series A, B and C (herein called the "1960 bonds"), outstanding in the amount of $2,838,000, and, with other available funds, paying the cost of a new dormitory, with necessary appurtenant facilities, to house approximately 925 men students at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (herein called the "Project").

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FOR VALUE RECEIVED, the undersigned registered owner thereof hereby sells, assigns and transfers the within bond unto

________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Dated: __________________________________________________

In the presence of: _______________________________________

(As provided in the within bond, notice of any assignment thereof shall be given by the assignor by registered mail to the Treasurer of the Board as Bond Registrar, such notice to be in such form as shall be satisfactory to the Bond Registrar, and upon receipt of such notice the bond shall be registered as to both principal and interest on the registration books in the name of the assignee named above. )

PAYMENT RECORD Name of Paying Principal Principal Interest Agent, authorized Payment Balance Payment Official and Due Date (Enter Amounts) Due Date Pd. Title ________ ______________ __________ ___________ _______ _______________ May 1. 1964 $_____________ $_________ $__________ _______ _______________ Nov 1. 1964 ______________ __________ ___________ _______ _______________

(Enter due dates of principal and interest) (May 1 and November 1 due dates to and including the final date of maturity of the bond - leave one-half inch space between due dates, etc. for manual interlining, if necessary; also half a page at end for any explanation that might be required)

(To be inserted under the headings "Interest Paid" and "Date Paid" opposite May 1, 1964: "Obligor is not liable for interest due May 1, 1964, which interest date expired prior to delivery of this Bond.")

SCHEDULE "A" (This is to be a separate sheet)

Principal installments paid in advance of maturity date ________________________________________________

Principal Due Name of Paying Agent, Date Amount Payment Balance Date Paid Authorized Official and Title ____ _______ ________ _______ _________ _________________________ ____ _______ ________ _______ _________ _________________________

Last edit over 2 years ago by NettyC

Volume 09: June 17, 1964–February 28, 1966

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Section 12.

A. Except as provided in Section 9 of this article, the penalty for violation of any of the regulations prescribed in this article shall be a civil penalty of one dollar payable to the Town of Chapel Hill Traffic Bureau.

B. In addition to the other penalties prescribed in this article, the Chancellor shall have the authority to issue appropriate regulations providing for the suspension or revocation of staff, student, or temporary parking stickers in cases where any person commits more than a given number of offenses (the number to be determined by the Chancellor) in violation of the provisions of this article in any one academic year.


Section 1. The speed limits on the campus of the University shall be determined and established by the Chancellor of the University. Signs indicating various speed limits will be displayed in places where they may be easily seen.

Section 2. Pursuant to the authority contained in Section 116-44. 1(b) of the General Statutes of North Carolina, a speed of 20 miles an hour is deemed to be excessive on the following streets, alleys, and driveways, and parking lots located on the campus of the University, and the speed limits indicated below in this section are hereby fixed and shall be enforceable when signs have been installed, placed, or erected giving notice thereof:

A speed of 15 miles an hour at the intersection of:

Bernard Street with Hibbard Street Branson Street with Hibbard Street Pursuant to the authority contained in Section 20-141(f) of the General Statutes of North Carolina, a speed of 20 miles an hour is hereby found to be excessive at the following intersections on the campus of the University, and the speed limits indicated below are hereby fixed and shall be enforceable when signs have been installed, placed, or erected at such intersections or the approaches thereto giving notice thereof:

A speed of 15 miles per hour at:

The intersection of Mason Farm Road and King Street The intersection of Mason Farm Road and Daniels Road The intersection of Mason Farm Road and Bagley Drive The intersection of Mason Farm Road and Jackson Circle The intersection of Mason Farm Road and Hibbard Street The intersection of Hibbard Street and Manning Drive The intersection of Manning Drive and Ridge Road The intersection of Ridge Road and Laurel Hill Road The intersection of Pittsboro Street with all drives leading into the University campus The intersection of South Road with all drives leading into the University campus The intersection of Raleigh Street with all drives leading into the University campus The intersection of Country Club Road with all drives leading into the University campus

Section 3. No vehicle and no ridden or driven horse or other animal shall be driven or ridden except upon the streets, roadways, alleys, driveways, parking areas, and parking lots of the campus and shall not be driven or ridden upon or within any sidewalk or walkway area, or within any area which is marked by posts, signs, or other markings as being prohibited to vehicles, except that bicycles, or animals driven for the purpose of clearing sidewalks and walkways or doing other work, may be used, driven, or ridden upon the sicewalks and walkways. This section shall not be deemed to prohibit vehicles of the University or of its agents or of any public utility company from being driven in any areas necessary for them to enter to perform necessary construction or maintenance work.

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Section 4. No vehicle shall be driven or ridden in a direction opposite to that indicated by appropriate signs or markings placed, erected, or installed pursuant to the authority and direction of the Chancellor.

Section 5. When stop signs are erected, placed, or installed, or when clearly marked stop lines are painted upon any streets or roadways intersecting any other streets or roadways pursuant to the authority and direction of the Chancellor, the driver of a vehicle shall stop at every such sign or stop line except when directed otherwise by an officer or by a traffic control signal.


Section 1. No person, firm, or corporation shall use the streets, roadways, alleys, driveways, sidewalks, parking lots, or parking areas of the campus of the University for the purpose of advertising any article, commodity, service, or event by sign, poster, drawing, painting, or photograph, by crying out the same, or by using any loud-speaker, musical instrument, or noise-making device; provided, however, that the administrative officers designated by the Chancellor may issue a temporary permit for the broadcasting of musical or educational programs or for the playing of musical instruments on the streets, roadways, alleys, driveways, sidewalks, parking lots, or parking areas of the campus.

Section 2. No person, firm, or corporation shall use the streets, roadways, alleys, driveways, sidewalks, parking lots, or parking areas on the campus of the University for the purpose of selling or offering for sale any article, commodity, or service; provided, however, that this section shall not be deemed to prohibit the selling or delivery of goods to dining halls or duly authorized selling agencies of the University; and provided further, that this section shall not be deemed to prohibit the sale or delivery of groceries and other necessary household commodities to residents of housing projects operated, owned, or sponsored by the University.

Section 3. The administrative officers designated by the Chancellor shall have authority to cause the closing of any street, roadway, alley, driveway, parking lot, parking area, or any portion thereof, on the campus of the University when it shall appear necessary for the purpose of construction or maintenance work or for the protection of pedestrians. When such closing has been caused and when proper signs, barriers, or obstructions have been erected to give notice thereof, no person shall drive into or upon such street, roadway, alley, driveway, parking lot, parking area, or portion thereof.

Section 4. No person shall loaf or loiter on any street, roadway, alley, driveway, sidewalk, parking lot, or parking area on the campus of the University.

Section 5. No person, firm, or corporation shall throw, dump, or place in any manner any paper, glass, trash, garbage, dirt, rubbish, filth, wood, boxes, or any other articles or substances on any street, roadway, alley, driveway, sidewalk, parking lot, or parking area of the campus of the University or on any place where such matter may be blown, washed, or fall upon any such street, roadway, alley, driveway, sidewalk, parking lot, or parking area; provided, however, that this section shall not be deemed to prohibit any construction or maintenance work.


Section 1. No person shall walk in any street, roadway, alley, driveway, parking lot, or parking area in such a careless, negligent, or willful manner as to endanger his safety or to constitute any unreasonable impediment to lawful vehicular traffic.

In connection with approval of the Parking Regulations, Mr. Hill requested the President to make a study of the parking situation on all three

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11/16/64 - Reg. B/T


Library Lecture Room Campus of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro November 16, 1964

The Board of Trustees of The University of North Carolina met in regular session on the Greensboro campus of the University at 11:00 o'clock, A. M., on Monday, November 16, 1964; Arch T. Allen, Secretary.

In the absence of Governor Sanford, Mr. Frank Parker was elected to preside.

The meeting was opened with prayer by Mr. Thomas O. Moore.

On roll call the following members answered present:

Dr. Francis A. Buchanan Dr. Jesse B. Caldwell Lenox G. Cooper Marshall Y. Cooper W. Lunsford Crew Calvin Graves Mrs. A. H. Lathrop Dr. John G. Mebane Larry I. Moore Arthur I. Park Thomas J. Pearsall Clarence L. Pemberton Mrs. L. Richardson Preyer H. L. Riddle, Jr. Roy Rowe C. Lacy Tate W. Frank Taylor F. E. Wallace Cameron S. Weeks Mrs. George D. Wilson Arch T. Allen Mrs. Ed M. Anderson Ike F. Andrews William C. Barfield Mrs. J. W. Copeland Frank Hull Crowell Dr. Rachel Davis Percy B. Ferebee Robert Hall William B. Harrison Mack Jernigan Ernest E. Parker, Jr. Frank Parker Claude W. Rankin T. Henry Redding William P. Saunders Evander S. Simpson

Dr. Shahane R. Taylor Thomas B. Upchurch, Jr. C. M. Vanstory, Jr. Hill Yarborough Wade Barber Graham W. Bell Victor S. Bryant Henry A. Foscue W. C. Harris, Jr. Mrs. J. B. Kittrell J. Hanes Lassiter John Lassiter John Van Lindley Reid A. Maynard William C. Medford Mrs. S. L. Rodenbough A. Alex Shuford Ben C. Trotter Oscar C. Vatz Fred L. Wilson Irwin Belk T. J. Collier James C. Farthing Dr. Dorothy Glenn George Watts Hill Mrs. J. Henry Hill, Jr. Thomas H. Leath W. J. Lupton Thomas McKnight D. L. McMichael R. D. McMillan, Jr. Thomas O. Moore Ashley M. Murphy Douglas M. Robinson R. Glenn Stovall Dr. David T. Tayloe Macon M. Williams

The following members were absent:

Wilbur H. Currie James L. Pittman John P. Stedman Bowman Gray Herbert Hardy G. N. Noble Walter L. Smith Luther Hamilton Robert B. Jordan, III R. Walker Martin C. Knox Massey W. A. Johnson

William G. Reid B. Atwood Skinner Dr. L. H. Swindell J. Shelton Wicker Wyatt R. Aydlett Mrs. Mebane H. Burgwyn S. N. Clark, Jr. Archie K. Davis Rudolph I. Mintz Carl V. Venters Henry Weil George M. Wood Charles F. Carroll, member ex-officio

Last edit over 1 year ago by alietheperson
Displaying pages 41 - 50 of 275 in total