folder 04: 1836–1837



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This Indenture made and entered into this 2nd day of April in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and thirty six between Henry N. Jasper of the first part, William H. Battle of the second part and Burwell Perry of third part, all of the county of Franklin and state of North Carolina Witnesseth that whereas the said Henry N. Jasper has this day borrowed and received of the said Burwell Perry the sum of four hundred dollars and has executed to the said Perry his writing obligatory under his hand and seal for the said sum of four hun dred dollars and whereas the said Jasper is desirous to secure to the said Perry the veficayment of the sum of money a foresaid, Now in consideration of the premises, and also in further consideration of the sum of five dollars into the hands of the said Jasper paid by the said Battle, the receipt whereof is hereby acknow ledeged, the said Henry N. Jasper has bargained, sold and conveyed and by these presents doth bargain, sell and convey unto the said William H. Battle, his heirs and assigns forever a certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the county of Franklin aforesaid, it being the tract of land purchased by the said Jasper of one William F. Newbern and on which he the said Jasper now resides, containing by estimation about one hundred and twenty acres, be the same more or lefs- to have and to hold the tract of land aforesaid with all appur tenances upon the following uses and trusts, to with, the said Battle shall permit the said Jasper and his family to reside upon and cul tivate the premises, and to take, use and enjoy the issues and profits thereof, until he the said Battle shall be requested by the said Perry to

Last edit about 2 months ago by Lmeyers

sell the same for the repayment of the said sum of three four hundred dollars with interest, or so much of the said sum, as shall remain unpaid; and the said Battle, whenever he shall be so requested by the said Perry, shall forth with proceed to advertise the said land at the Court House and at two other public places in the county for thirty days, and shall sell the same for cash, or upon such credit as he may be directed, and out of the proceeds of such sale he shall pay to the said Perry the said sum of three four hundred dollars with interest, or so much thereof as shall then remain unpaid, and the balance remaining in the hands of the said Battle, after the payment aforesaid, and all expences attending the execution of the trust herein reposed and retaining a reasonable compensation for his services, he shall pay over to the said Jasper or to his order. In testimoney of all which the said Parties have hereunto set their respective hands and affixed their seals the day and date first above written.

The words "convey" "The" and "dollar" interlined before execution. The words "Jasper" and also the word March stricken out and the words "four" and April inserted, the money borrowed being four hundred dollars. J Perry

H N Jasper seal Will. H. Battle seal Burrell Perry seal

State of North Carolina Franklin County

I Smith Patterson Clerk of the Court of pleas & quarter sessions for the County aforesaid do hereby certify that the execution of the foregoing Deed of Trust was this day acknowledged before me by Henry N Jasper, William H Battle & Burrell Perry Therefore let it be registered [by and?] under my hand at office the 2d day of April 1836 S Patterson Clerk

Last edit about 1 year ago by carol ann

State of N. Carolina Franklin County

The hereto annexed Deed of Trust came to hand for Registration this day and is accordingly duly & truly Registered in Book P. folio 195 This 2nd April 1836

Test. D.Young P.R.

Last edit about 1 year ago by carol ann

Henry N. Jasper to Deed in Trust Will: H. Battle

Last edit about 2 years ago by MaryV
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Raleigh June 25th 1836 My Dear Wife. I avail myself of an opportunity which offers of sending a letter which may reach you before you leave Marrenton. I learned from W. Hall Esq. that you arrived safe on the day you left home, and if you are surprised why I did not learn it sooner by Ben's return I can aquaint you that I left home myself soon after breakfast on Sunday morning and reached this city that night. Mr. Fox who with Columbus was going to Chapel Hill had a vacant seat in his hansom, which was tendered to, and accepted by me, as being more comfortable than a night's ride in the stage.- I was much gratified at hearing of your getting to your Ma's without accident, and I hope your night will be properly pleasantly as Mrs. Hall informed me all your relations were in usual health.- I have written to Mother today and requested her to dine for you when you and Susan wish to return, and gave her the necesary directions about the facts of conveyance Jle-

Last edit over 2 years ago by Cpope
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