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would take a piece of their territory in part payment of the expenses
of the war. He alluded to the importance of the American
cotton crop, and then said something about cannon balls and cot-
ton bales, the point of which was not clearly understood. Upon
inquiring whether his visitors had seen the pyramids, an excursion
which they had already made, he stated that early in the century,
before his successful pacification of the country, he had considered
it necessary to provide an escort of 600 cavalry to a Governor
General of India who wished to make the trip. One of my brothers
was a small boy of six years and as he sat with the others the Pasha
noticed him and inquired whose child he was. He was much ad-
dicted to snuff and took large quantities during the interview, using
the meanwhile a white pocket handkerchief which he held in the left

The impression he made was that, notwithstanding his advanced age
and approaching infirmities, his mind was still sufficiently clear for
him to continue to hold the reins of power. His eventful life was however
approaching its end then, for he died eighteen months afterwards at the
age of eighty - one of the remarkable men of the century.

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