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Aletheia Schoolhouse
August 25th, 1826.

P. Society met according to adjournment -- Roger
Williams being duely called to the chair in lieu of John
Mallard absent, & Thomas Brevard chosen Secry in lieu of
Joseph Steele resigned. The society is now found to con-
sist of 8 members, viz. Roger Williams 1, Thomas Brevard
2, Edward C. Lankford, 3. Alexr Blair 4, Joseph Steele 5,
Strother Harris 6, Williams Steele 7, and John Mallard 8 --
Loyd Richardson having removed, and Strother Harris a new
member. The Pr having called to order & the Secry having
read the queries for discussion; on motion, & reasons
adduced, it was though advisable to postpone the dis-
cussion of the sd. queries until Friday next 4 o'clock P.M.
to which time the society adjourned.

Roger Williams Pr.
The Brevard secry.

Query 1st Has, or has not the making & sending of spirituous
liquors been more otherwise, advantageous to mankind?
E.G. Langford aff.
Jo. Steele neg.

Query 2. Is, or is not, the spring more conducive than the
autumn to the comfort & happiness of mankind?
Mallard affirmative
Alexr Blair neg. ----

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