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Alethia. Sept. 1st 1820. 4 O'clock P.M.

P.S. Met according to adjournment. The secy having
read the minutes of the last session R. Williams continued
Pr. Littleton Rogers was recd as a new member. The society
then went into the discussion of the first query viz. Is
or is not the making & vending of spirituous liquor more
than otherwise advantageous to mankind? After a tolerably
animated debate, in which the members present (except the
Pr.) all took a share A motion was made for decision by
vote, which stands thus:

Affirmative. )
E. G. Langford 1 )
Littleton Rogers 2 )
Thomas Brevard 3)

Joseph Steele 1
Andrew S. Harris 2
William Steele 3

On motion Society adj. until Friday evening 4 O'clock
Sep. 8th, 1826, leaving the discussion of the Spring &
Autumn question open for that day
Tho. Brevard Secy Roger Williams Pr.

Alethia — Sept. 8th, 1826. A Constitutional majority
for adj. being present, it was thought prudent to postpone
going into any debates;- Camp meeting at Big-Spring com-
mencing today. The Society therefore adjourned until friday
15th, 1826.

T Brevard Secy. R. Williams Pr.

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