Alethia — Sept. 15th, 1826. The Philaethon S. met
as above, and for similar reasons as above, viz. Bethlehem
C. Meeting commencing today, adjourn until friday evening
Sept. 22nd, 1826, 4 O'clock; ibidem.
T Brevard Secy. R. Williams Pr
Alethia — Sept. 22nd, 1826. Philal. Soc. met according
to adj. present Roger Williams, Ed. G. Lankford, Joseph
Steele, Andw S. Harris, Alexr Blair, Tho Brevard. Absent
W. Steele, John Mallard Littleton Rogers. Majr Wm Steele
attended after the Soc. had agreed to discuss the query
laid over from time to time on Spring & Autumn Ed G. Lank-
ford appointed to open the debate in lieu of J. Mallard
absent. Agreeably therefore to the agreement of parties,
Pres. R Williams & Secy. Brevard from the apology of their
office, were to be silent on this query, & William Steele
from his late attendance concurs with the arrangement that
the other four might contend for the victory, being equally
divided with this proviso, however, enjoined more from the
solicitations of the other members than from their own
choice, the two latter named members viz. Brevard & Steele
were to speak after the others were throug, provided that
if one announcing his claim of sides the other should feel
disposed to oppose it, which eventually happened. Brevard
attaching himself to those who said negatively that the
Spring is not more conducive to the comfort & happiness of
mankind than the fall or autumn; and Steele affirms.
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