There is a town in our bounds
By fame exalted highly
This village stands on Big spring land
And is called Pinch um Slyly
An honest man, as in our land
Has named the infant, dayly
By inate love or knowledge fore
And calls it Pinch'um Slyly
Some at this name wt. wrath exclaim,
Roar like a twenty inch drum
And rather would, if yet they could,
Have it call'd Slyly Pinch'um
What they intend no odds for end
Which foremost by an inch come
Tis all the same Pinch is the game
And rightly Slyly Pinch'um
'Tis pinch about both in and out
Of town;- their fame runs highly,
Who try to pinch & never flinch
And always Pinch'um Slyly
One of low birth & nothing worth
Came in there acting wily
Feign'd to be sick, bought goods on tick
And thus left pinch'um Slyly
On either side with arms stretch'd wide
They stand prepar'd to clinch 'em
And when they yoke to end the joke
Both fall in Slyly pinch'um
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