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Rules or Bye Laws For the internal regulation of
Pihilalethian or Truth Loving Rule 1st Each Society
member when addressing the chair shall do it standing and
every motion or other address shall bee introduced with
Mr. President

Rule 2&& Bo angry or sarcastic speeches nor any unfavorable
personal allusions as to moral character shall be admitted
in any debate before this Society, neither any extraneous
Rule 3^

Each member shell attend punctually at the time

and place according to adjournment
Rule 4*b Stylet silence shall bee maintained during the
Session of the society and no member shall presume to leave
the house without leave of the President

Rule 6*8

The debate Bhmll be introduced by two chief

speakers, one on each side of the question appointed by the
iresident when the question is received & each speaker may
have an assistant who shall be sentimentally on his side and
v/hen a question does not involve a contrariety of opinion
it shall be dropped & another Introduced which will and after
the debate is thus opened it shall be free to any person
disposed to take a part in it
Rule 6-S Religious controversy shall not be admitted into
the debates of this Society


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