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A single man or Lady can
Some casual pleasures glean
The married too their joys renew
But "few & far between."
The poor or rich no matter which
Have often troubles seen
And times that be from trouble free
Come few & far between
To find a man that will & can
Do right in all his mein
Is a rare prize to modern eyes
They're few & far between
He that can stear his barge so clear
Avoiding all that's mean
Is scarcely one & some say none
Or few & far between

Wednesday evening, the 17th of Dec. the Society met according
to adjournment William Steele was called to the chair John
P. Martin appointed Secretary Loyd Richardson Treasurer
Thomas Breverd Sipson Organ and James C Bradshaw were ap-
pointed Committee for adjudication.

Query 1st Is it right to take the life of a fellow creature
in any case or for any Crime This query was decided in the

Query first is it right that Constables [andJ Sherriffs be
elected by the justices of the peace and not by the people
This Query was decided in the negative

Query 2nd
Is it Reasonable to believe in the existence of
[sideways in right margin Priestly]
Wizards and Witches or not This Query was decided in the
negative Wednesday evening the 31st of December the Society
met according to adjournment Halem Priestley being called to
to the chair the proceedings of the last meeting were read

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