S. 4 Made window for the loom, during which cut my finger
badly; thunder and rain went round
S. 5 Went the funeral of Baller and wife, Wiseman and Maddocks
speakers, large congregation
M. 6 Heard that Anna Delles oldest child died early, at
burial afternoon: rained
T. 7 Rain. Sowed turnips and rye with them in cotton patch.
Read KcCokle on Miller
W. 8 Moderate showers Rolly Organ has moved into Speddin's
old house at [writing faded]
Th. 9 Quite cool and clear, David Billing's in evening P. Jones'
daughter be married
F. 10 Saw McCorkle who subscribes Thoughts on the Millenium
yesterday. Clear
S. 11 Camp-Meeting. Dillard exparte. Sea in toto. Sowed
rye morning, etc.
S. 12 Ut supra Mr. McSpeddin and Geo. Donnell dine Troutt's,
drizzle of rain night
M. 13 Wrought at home, writ served on me, as security for R.
Org. Adms. est Geo. Mir.
T. 14 Clear and cool. Wrought as above see people returning
from cp. Meeting
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