W. 15 Do do, two men lodged here from Rutherford last night
chd 50 cts went Trouts
Th. 16 Do. W'fe headache taken yesterday. Wrought on Road,
finished and home a month
F. 17 Unwell ut supra, et alio. Went mill, frustra. Wrought
windy and cool.
S. 18 Cool and dry. Wrought mending stable door etc. Meeting
J. Green preached.
S. 19 Walker's 1 mile below Ebenezer Wiseman preached, dry
and dusty travelling
M. 20 Wrought at home making fence, thundered with some
sprinkle of rain
T. 21 Do. do. Cloudy and distant thunder. Wrought at making
fence etc.
W. 22 Thunder and very little rain here. Wife got bled at
her father's last eve.
Th. 23 Finished making a certain portion of fence. Bought
horse collar R. O.
F. 24 Looked for timbers for another shelter no. side of
house, got some posts.
S. 25 Sally Adams sick. Forded Cumberland to Capt. Allen's,
see friends pleasantly
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