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3 revisions
Sab005 at Oct 26, 2023 01:17 PM


When things of state come in debate Some people grow phlegmatic You'l hear them spout and belch quite out The hard word DEMOCRATIC Some learned men with modest pen Avoiding any schism Will write hard things of Lords &Kings And scratch out FEDERALISM The words they use & names abuse I scarce can spell or mention So many ics, rats, ists & ticks No man knows their intention But as for me I cannot see What needs a lengthy story For none there be who disagree But only whig & tory 'Tis the same thing to love a king And court high place forever But liberty, equality Is honest wise & clever 'Tis not the name which I disclaim Unless I can discouver That title shows my country's foes And tyranny's true-lover Him I will hate in church or state Tho' Adams or Asbury Who works & prays for posts of pay Down right pecuniary.

When things of state come in debate
Some people grow phlegmatic
You'l hear them spout and belch quite out
The hard word DEMOCRATIC
Some learned men with modest pen
Avoiding any schism
Will write hard things of Lords &Kings
And scratch out FEDERALISM
The words they use & names abuse
I scarce can spell or mention
So many ics, rats, ists & ticks
No man knows their intention
But as for me I cannot see
What needs a lengthy story
For none there be who disagree
But only whig & tory
'Tis the same thing to love a king
And court high place forever
But liberty, equality
Is honest wise & clever
'Tis not the name which I disclaim
Unless I can discouver
That title shows my country's foes
And tyranny's true-lover
Him I will hate in church or state
Tho' Adams or Asbury
Who works & prays for posts of pay
Down right pecuniary.


When things of state come in debate Some people grow phlegmatic You'l hear them spout and belch quite out The hard word DEMOCRATIC Some learned men with modest pen Avoiding any schism Will write hard things of Lords &Kings And scratch out FEDERALISM The words they use & names abuse I scarce can spell or mention So many ics, rats, ists & ticks No man knows their intention But as for me I cannot see What needs a lengthy story For none there be who disagree But only whig & tory 'Tis the same thing to love a king And court high place forever But liberty, equality Is honest wise & clever 'Tis not the name which I disclaim Unless I can discouver That title shows my country's foes And tyranny's true-lover Him I will hate in church or state Tho' Adams or Asbury Who works & prays for posts of pay Down right pecuniary.

When things of state come in debate
Some people grow phlegmatic
You'l hear them spout and belch quite out
The hard word DEMOCRATIC
Some learned men with modest pen
Avoiding any schism
Will write hard things of Lords &Kings
And scratch out FEDERALISM
The words they use & names abuse
I scarce can spell or mention
So many ics, rats, ists & ticks
No man knows their intention
But as for me I cannot see
What needs a lengthy story
For none there be who disagree
But only whig & tory
'Tis the same thing to love a king
And court high place forever
But liberty, equality
Is honest wise & clever
'Tis not the name which I disclaim
Unless I can discouver
That title shows my country's foes
And tyranny's true-lover
Him I will hate in church or state
Tho' Adams or Asbury
Who works & prays for posts of pay
Down right pecuniary.