the benefit of the institution & Thomas Edwards on paying $3.50 to sd society deposited in the hands of Parson Donnell took Johnson's lot and became a member of the society William Donnell senr, Thomas B Reese & David McMurray were inspectors. Tho Brevard Secry
Saml Donnell Prst
Lebanon 11th May 1820. Society met at Mr Thomas Edward's and constitutionally appointed our officers & proceeded to the exchange of books Capt Alxr Provine Peter Raglin & Harris Inspectors Wm Wilson who drew the first lot at the last exchange not present nor his lot -- William Steele esqr lot wanting also & now draws the 4th lot -- Tall & Stafford failing to attend with their lot No 7 Col Douglass failing on the last exchange to forward his lot & also failing today to forward one book of his lot. Milton vol. 3rd. it is directed by the society that Archibald Davis take the lot that now fall to Col. Douglass No 14.
Barton & Calhoun do not forward their lot No 19, which falls to D McMurry George Donnel failed to forward one vol. of his lot, Goldsmith vol. 1. No 26. John Green draws the first lot in this day's drawing -- Society having made the exchange as above stated adjourn Tho. Brevard Secry
Saml Canon Prest
Lebanon 10th Aug. 1820.
The library society met at the house of Thomas Edwards & proceeded to the exchange of books in due form Richard Hankins drawing the first lot, John Green failing to forward his lot & Wm Willson also, we proceded to the next in course. Thomas B. Reese failed to return one of Vol. of his lot -- Hervey Vol. 3rd Lot No 12 not yet produced & one Vol. of No 13. Viz. Milton 3rd Vol. William Wilsons lot was forwarded before the exchange was finished -- An apparent irregularity about to ensue from failures, it is therefore ordered by the president, & inspectors who were appointed for the day that the society meet again at this place on the time in course, 2nd thursday in Novr 1820 at an earlier hour, & endeavour to arrange the business of the society more effectualy for its future advantage.
Saml Donnell Prst
Inspectors. Samuel Canon esqr Walter Carruth esqr Tho. B. Rese esqr
Tho. Brevard secry
Lebanon Novr 9th 1820. Society convened in the order of meeting the necessary officers to proceed to business being appointed the exchange commenced John Green failed to forward his lot -- No 12 failed to appear again and no information respecting it we proceed without it. No 13 one volume missing & no account of it. George Donnell also failed to forward his lot. Payton & Raglin drew the first No in this days exchange
Saml Canon Prest
Tho. Brevard Secry Thomas Reese esqr ) David McMurry ) inspectors. Tho. Edwards )
Febry 8th 1821 --
Library Society met according to constitutional arrangement --
After the necessary officers being appointed the exchange was made without any failure except those made on the former exchanges which have not yet been rectified. James Bone drawing the 1st No Inspectors the same who served on the preceding exchange
Saml Donnell Prst Tho. Brevard Secry
May 10th 1821
The Society met according to Adjournment William Donnell was appointed to the Chair & Obadiah G. Finley appointed Secretary to the meeting Thomas B. Reese William Donnell & Robert Donnell appointed inspectors -- The Society proceeded to the exchange of Books.
William Wilson failed to return his Lott also Jesse Donnell failed on returning his Lott Books -- Calhoun & Barton failed to return No 23rd Alexander Provine fails to returnne No 25th James Matherell drew the first Lott Thereupon the Society adjourned
O.G. Finley Secretary William Donnell President
Aug. 9th 1821. Lebanon
Society met according to adjournment & proceeded to the exchange Payton & Raglin failed to forward the 3rd Vol of Hervey's works, Lot No 3 Majr Steel failed to forward his lot -- Samuel Donnell failed to return Edwards works 3rd Vol part of lot No 21st -- After going through the exchange it was found that Wm Donnell Senr drew the first lot.
Thomas B. Reese ) Thos Edwards ) Inspectors Robt Donnell )
Walter Carruth
Tho. Brevard Secry
Ordered by the Union library society at their meeting on the 9th August 1821, that Col Finley, Thomas Edwards & Thomas Brevard be appointed a committee to examine the contents of this book & make such arrangement as the nature of exchange requires in consequence of a lot, & some parts of lots being lost & other matters relative to fines &c. Tho. Brevard Secry
Lebanon Novr 8th 1821
Union Library Society met according to adjournment & proceeded to the exchange Walter Carruth [pr?] & Tho. Brovard Secry -- John Green failing to forward his lot is fined by the inspectors $1.00 agreeable to the constitution -- Fergus S. Harris also failing to forward No 26 is fined $1.00 as above.-- George Donnell drew No 1st in this day's drawing ---- Robt Donnell Thomas Edwards & Wm Wilson inspectors of this day's Society adjourned in course
Tho. Brevard Secry Walter Carruth Pres.
Lebanon Febry 14th 1822. Union library society met according adjournment -- Walter Carruth Pres. & Tho. Brevard Secry and proceeded to exchange --
No 15 Tally & Stafford, not forwarded they are therefore fined by the inspectors agreeably to the constitution
The exchange having gone through Col. O.G. Finley