Notebook, 1789-1855




3 Alethia — Sept. 15th, 1826. The Philaethon S. met as above, and for similar reasons as above, viz. Bethlehem C. Meeting commencing today, adjourn until friday evening Sept. 22nd, 1826, 4 O'clock; ibidem. T Brevard Secy. R. Williams Pr

Alethia — Sept. 22nd, 1826. Philal. Soc. met according to adj. present Roger Williams, Ed. G. Lankford, Joseph Steele, Andw S. Harris, Alexr Blair, Tho Brevard. Absent W. Steele, John Mallard Littleton Rogers. Majr Wm Steele attended after the Soc. had agreed to discuss the query laid over from time to time on Spring & Autumn Ed G. Lankford appointed to open the debate in lieu of J. Mallard absent. Agreeably therefore to the agreement of parties, Pres. R Williams & Secy. Brevard from the apology of their office, were to be silent on this query, & William Steele from his late attendance concurs with the arrangement that the other four might contend for the victory, being equally divided with this proviso, however, enjoined more from the solicitations of the other members than from their own choice, the two latter named members viz. Brevard & Steele were to speak after the others were throug, provided that if one announcing his claim of sides the other should feel disposed to oppose it, which eventually happened. Brevard attaching himself to those who said negatively that the Spring is not more conducive to the comfort & happiness of mankind than the fall or autumn; and Steele affirms.

Last edit over 4 years ago by Jannyp

4 unequivocally that it is &c. Much time of the meeting being now expended, and some of the members not being prepared for decision, on motion it was agreed that the same query be continued until the next meeting. The society then adjourned until next Friday evening Sept. 29th, T. Brevard Secy. R. Williams Pr.

The day adjrd to, arriving, a minority adjrd again, & again until the time now affixed for meeting is friday 20th, October 1826. Done by a minority & signed by Tho. Brevard Secy. October 6th, 1826.

Alethia, October 20th, 1826. The Philalethian Society after reiterated adjournments, met according to adj. Aler Blair was duely elected Pr the former Secy continued, & E. G. Lankford Treasurer. The members being called to order adduced queries, & Jo. Steele, Wm Steele & Tho Brevard appointed a committee for that purpose, selected the two following, 1. Has conscience been derived from an inate principle, or from education? 2. Has or has not agriculture been more advantageous to the community than literature? On the 1st T. Brevard on the affirmative & Wm Steele on the neg. were appointed to open the debate. On the 2nd. S. Harris aff. John Mallard negative open debate. The society then took up a quære for discussion at present viz. which is the greatest crime to injure a man in his person or in his property? E.G. Lankford

Last edit over 4 years ago by Jannyp

5 & E. S. Harris opening the debate. Unanimously decided in favour of the affirmative — The society then ajnd until tuesday evening 5 o'clock the 31st. instant. Tho Brevard Sec. A. Blair Pres. Oct. 20th 1826

Alethia October 31st, 1826. 5 O'clock The members present T. Brevard, J. Swindell, A. Blair & R. Williams delinquents being crossed the society adjnd until friday evening 5 O'clock — Tho. Brevard Sec.

Alethia. 5th, 1926. The P. S. met according to the adj. of a minority -- After Sunday minor regulations, and Burchett Douglass esqr being recd as a member, & duely elected Pres. The query in order, was opened for discussion Viz. Has Conscience been derived from an innate principle, or from education? On Wc after some discussion, the member divided -- Time failing to take up the other query Viz. "Has, or has not agriculture been more advantageous to the community?" It was continued; and another, Viz. "Is it, or is it not right to tell the truth at all times?" Set for debate at the next session. On motion, the Soc. adj'nd until thursday evening sun setting Nov, 16th, 1826, at this place. T. Brevard Sec. B. Douglass Pr.

Last edit over 4 years ago by Jannyp


4 Members met according to adjnt Viz. Wm Steele Thomas Brevard Jno Swindle & Joseph Steele and Adjn until Wednesday evening sunset Nov. 29th, 1826. Tho Brevard Sec. 16th Nov. 1826.

Alethia Nov. 29th, 1826. Wm Steele Jo. Steele & T. Brevard met according adjournmt, and Alvis Hobbs & Benjn Billing being present it was agreed to discuss the query — Has or has not agriculture been more advantageous, than literature to the community? Mr Hobbs appointed pres. & Messrs Brevard & Wm Steele to open the debate. An animated discussion ensued — When the vote was finally called for, it stood thus; For Agriculture, Wm Steele Jo. Steele B Billing & A. Hobbs (Pres.) For Literature, T. Brevard Sctry and the society adjnd until Wednesday Decem. 13th, 1826 at this place. T Brevard Secry. A. Hobbs Pres.

Alethia School house Decemver 13th, 1826. The Philalethian society met according to adjournment After the ordinary arrangements, A. S. Harris was duely elected Prs. and the Soc. entered on the discussion of the query, "Is it or is it not right [t] tell the truth in all cases?" B. Douglass and Wm Steele opening the debate. Finally when

Last edit over 4 years ago by Jannyp

7 many words, failed to produce new argument it was decided in the aff. by a major that at [torn] falsehood may do good & the effect be justifiable yet the perpetrator not be excusable in a moral por [torn] of view. But truth, owing to its moral beauty & excellence & inalienable obligation on man, is strong, & must prevail.-- A question was then introduced by Messrs, Hobbs & Ferril, not members; "Whether a bankrupt law would or would not be good policy in our country?" Which, after some pertinent & a great deal of excentric debate was eventually carried in the negative by an overwhelming majority, for the few in favour of the Bankrupt system feeling the need of such a law to operate in the present case, felt their insolvency of argument & having thrown in their last mite, are willing to take a fresh start, & one day pay the uttermost farthing like honest men consequently declined voting. -- Society thrn adjnd until Wednesday evening 5 O'clock Decemr 22nd, 1826, after having recieved 2 queries for the discussion of that night Viz. 1st "Has, or has not the cultivation, manufacturing vending & consumption of the Indian weed, called Tobacco been a curse or a blessing to the world of mankind?" T. Brevard open the debate on the aff. & B. S. Mabry neg. 2nd Has, or has not, the introduction of Slavery into the S. been advantageous to the government? B. H Billing [op]ening the debate on the aff. & K. C. Ferrell on the negative. T. Brevard Sec. A. S. Harris Pr.

Last edit about 4 years ago by Jannyp
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