Notebook, 1789-1855





S. 4 Made window for the loom, during which cut my finger badly; thunder and rain went round

S. 5 Went the funeral of Baller and wife, Wiseman and Maddocks speakers, large congregation

M. 6 Heard that Anna Delles oldest child died early, at burial afternoon: rained

T. 7 Rain. Sowed turnips and rye with them in cotton patch. Read KcCokle on Miller

W. 8 Moderate showers Rolly Organ has moved into Speddin's old house at [writing faded]

Th. 9 Quite cool and clear, David Billing's in evening P. Jones' daughter be married

F. 10 Saw McCorkle who subscribes Thoughts on the Millenium yesterday. Clear

S. 11 Camp-Meeting. Dillard exparte. Sea in toto. Sowed rye morning, etc.

S. 12 Ut supra Mr. McSpeddin and Geo. Donnell dine Troutt's, drizzle of rain night

M. 13 Wrought at home, writ served on me, as security for R. Org. Adms. est Geo. Mir.

T. 14 Clear and cool. Wrought as above see people returning from cp. Meeting

Last edit almost 4 years ago by deleted_228201_tuckerhughn


W. 15 Do do, two men lodged here from Rutherford last night chd 50 cts went Trouts

Th. 16 Do. W'fe headache taken yesterday. Wrought on Road, finished and home a month

F. 17 Unwell ut supra, et alio. Went mill, frustra. Wrought windy and cool.

S. 18 Cool and dry. Wrought mending stable door etc. Meeting J. Green preached.

S. 19 Walker's 1 mile below Ebenezer Wiseman preached, dry and dusty travelling

M. 20 Wrought at home making fence, thundered with some sprinkle of rain

T. 21 Do. do. Cloudy and distant thunder. Wrought at making fence etc.

W. 22 Thunder and very little rain here. Wife got bled at her father's last eve.

Th. 23 Finished making a certain portion of fence. Bought horse collar R. O.

F. 24 Looked for timbers for another shelter no. side of house, got some posts.

S. 25 Sally Adams sick. Forded Cumberland to Capt. Allen's, see friends pleasantly

Last edit almost 4 years ago by deleted_228201_tuckerhughn


S. 26 After breakfast return by another ford, having recd $18 & pd negro 6 1/4 home 4 O'clock

M. 27 Cool & clear. Went to court, saw Patric, OFlaherty. Electioneering speeches.

T. 28 Court drawn on Gr Jury. Pd. S. &. B. $5.

W. 29 Served wt out much pleasure or much information religious civil, or political

Th. 30 Bought some combs for Polly 37 1/2 cts. & expended as much for Thomas Amt. 72 cts. contingent expense 37 1/2 pd. debts $10.00 & recd 2 dols. R. Griss(om) dry weather still continues having been slight frosts 2 mornings

October 10th. month of the year & 2nd of Autumn 1830

F. 1 Dismissed from serving as jurors. Lewis Jetton goes home wt me

S. 2 Returned wt. Lewis to Leb. got a side of upper leather from Fenly tanned

S. 3 Remained at home. /M. 4./ Mended break /T. 5/ Lent Mr Gee $10.00

W. 6 Sowed Rye, wc. must lie & dry grain, until it rain. No sign yet.

Th. 7 N.E. Went yesterday quitting Mabry's; pulling corn

Last edit over 3 years ago by Jannyp


2 days past, & continue

F. 8 Proved act before B. T. Mottley vs. Ira Lynch Decd Hulled 200 walnuts

S. 9 Going to mill. Went Lab. evening via Molleys & bled Meshaack-

S. 10 Rained a pleasant shower. Mond. 11 went Leb. & bot drab. Bib. $2.75.

T. 12 Went wt wife Trt's, she took tartar & I hackled hemp. W. 13 Showers today & yes.

Th. 14 Started a westward trip wc lasted until Saturday night the 23, 1830

S. 24 Remained at home.

M. 25 Went Lebanon

T. 26 Went Roddy Here

W. 27 Made fence at home

Th. 28 Went Leb. wt Thomas

F. 29 Wrought hard, got Letter from Nancy Templeton. All well

S. 30 Extremely dry weather went Leb. extremely agitated wt Trustees

S. 31 Slept nearly noon last night went hear Maddocks preach &c

Last edit over 3 years ago by Jannyp


M. November 1. Went Mr Ellis' mill

T. 2. Rain afternoon &c.

W. 3 Took leather John Harlan's. Came home by Troutt's

Th. 4 W. Davis' for saddle

F. 5 New shoes made by Harlan

S. 6 Wm Givens in Rutherford

S. 7 Lewis Felton's See Zebulon

M. 8 Home, have heard Jack Jones dead.

Decemr 13th 1830 plenty of rain Water plenty & snows heretofore, sunce the first of December Dec. 25 Warmer & cloudy -- the former part of this week intensely cold.

Robert Owens 3 Lemore Powel 1 Andrew Cox 4 James Williams 4 Anderson Seat 3 James Lash 4 Thomas Delap 5 Thomas Mason 1 Benjn Howard 5

30 53 56 ---- 139

[part of writing on this page not legible]

Last edit about 3 years ago by Jannyp
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