folder 095: Correspondence, 1–20 January 1822




Oxford 20th Jany 1822 Judge Ruffin Dear Sir,

I owe an apology for failing to comply with my engagement in forwarding my note. It is owing to the circumstances that I have been in daily expectations that a Mr R Alemandes would start to Raleigh and I proposed sending by private conveyance rather than the mail. He was to have started sometime before the 15th. I hope for that no material inconvenience has been sustained by you in consequence of this disappointment. I am sir very respectfully your sincere friend and very humble servant. Sam'l Hillman

N.B. Enclosed is a note to be discounted at the State Bank for $42.00 payable 88 days after the 15th Inst. S H

Last edit over 1 year ago by cmc102247

Saml Hilman

Januy 1822

[sideways in middle of page] Thomas Ruffin Esq now at Raleigh, N.C.

Last edit over 1 year ago by cmc102247
Needs Review

Petersburg Jany 20th 1822

Dear Sir

We have been waiting [at? wh? (with?)] a great deal of patience for the money you promised, we should have by the 25th of last month - you said we should then have at least 2500 Dolls we have only recd [100? 700?] Dolls - our necessities are very great, and we have to make [nice? new?] calculations and the bank [disappointment?] very much [?]= [?] operations. The debt agt Row no doubt is fully settle'd by this time that with the other collections you ^calculated to have made would very much relieve us at this juncture

With great respects-

Yr freinds & obd svts Dunkin Henderson & Co

Thomas Ruffin esq.

Last edit 9 months ago by Laura Hart

Durkin Henderson & Co Feby 1822

Thomas Ruffin Esq Hillsboro NC

Last edit 5 months ago by Jannyp
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