Murdoch McKinzie's Chat. Cty
February 1st 1822
Thomas Ruffin Esqr
Dear Sir
Your very kind favour from Chapel Hill has been received- Should do injustice to my own feelings were I & not to enter into expressions of unqualified acknowledgment for the interest you take in aiding Colo Clement brother William and myself in our exertions to relieve brother from his present diffi= =culties or rather to secure to his creditors their just claims- we can gain nothing but are willing to run a chance for a loss if it must so eventu= ate-
Under my present impressions I shall see you
at Chatham County court; say on thursday prepared to make the arrangements which you goodness have so kindly suggested -
I suppose if I come with a bond signed by brother Wm & Colo. Clement & myself it will super= sede the necessity of them coming also-
Excuse my hurry as Tyson Moore is now waiting on me
Accept Dear Sir my best wishes for the welfare of yourself & family
Whilst I remain much & respectfully
Your friend
Matt. R. Moore
Matthew R Moore Februy 1822
Chapel Hill NC
Thomas Ruffin Esqr Hillsborough Orange
forwarded by Mr B T Moore
Rowan Feb. 2nd 1822
Dear Sir
I have not sooner acknowledged your esteemed fav.- on the subject of the money paid by my young man Mr. Jones to Mr. Murphey a Colored [person?] in Caswell [County or Court?] - owing to the difficulty and extreme delicasy of the subject- As I never did knowingly on a wrong act, either directly or indirectly. I do not on this occasion wish to act without giving to the subject the consideration it merits - For I am not very clear that either you or myself ought to pay this money on secure [time?]. I cannot however judge for you, but as regards myself Mr. Jones informs me that Mr M received the money ^as [attors?] for Mr Coldwell, or as your agent he is not positive which. I cannot therefore see how either in law or good conscience I can be required again to pay it - The balance of the execution not satisfied say about $114- I had expected Mr [Cartin?] to pay or promise he will without delay. that amt & more being due me
from Mr Scott -
I leave home in two days for Warrenton with my daughters - hope to see you either going or return'g - I shall also try to see Judge Murphey - I will see, what in justice to myself I ought for: and I hope that as you have it (as I am informed) in your power to secure yourself than neither of us will suffer in this unpleasant business.
Your Very truly and Sincerely
J. A. Pearson
P.S. There seems as respects me in fatality in this debt of Coldwells - The judgment was for $5 or 6 or more than was due, or rather I am that sum out of pocket - So that as to me the whole [? action?] [?] peculiarly hard