Hillsborough Feby 13th 1822
Thos. Ruffin Esqr.
The garnishes to Boston Sharp
John Coe and Jacob Friddle have been served
viz one garnishes citeing them to appear at your
next county court. at the instance of Jarvis & West
the amount (illegible) them.
[F?] notes on which is a balance of $805.08
originally payable to M Jarvis-
note taken up at Bank 966.73
interest on [debt?] 3.19
[underscore] -------------
I also garneshed them [cross out] at the instance of Jarvis West
& Co and on my individual acct and have had
them before Justice Holt. and received the following
The amount due to John Sharp by John G. Coe is $430.91
In making up his exibit he has however charged
a considerable item the [underscore] payment of which he
anticipates [end underscore] - viz $229 with compound int.
making it not far from $250. which
amount he [underscore] had rect at that time paid [end underscore]
but says that as he is [underscore] security [end underscore] he [he?] [underscore] shall
have to pay it. [end underscore] I have supposed that this
could not be allowed. add the amt to the above [underscore]____________ $680.91
due [cross out] [1?] Sept. 1823 & 24.
Boston Sharp owes as per his statment $697.94
due Jany 1825. 26 and 1827.
In his estimate is an item which I suppose
questionable _ ammnting to ______[underscore] 140
Jacob Friddle
Owes payable in installments of 175$ per anum
due 1822. 3. 4. 5. 6. & 1827 --- to the amt of 1200. [underscore]
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