Diary 62-5/6: August/September, 1887 - preliminary transcript

Virginia City and Reno Nevada; August and September, 1887. A typewritten transcript of Doten's handwritten diary by Marianne Jaffe.





Steamboat Springs -- Five coaches and five flats loaded and a commissary car pulled out from here -- Took on one coach & a flat in Gold Hill -- Many also went by private conveyance over the Geiger Grade -- PM cloudy & much cooler -- The exursion train returned shortly after 8, all hands half frozen -- Bad picnic day, and not a good place for such a crowd -- Much fighting in the grounds as well as on the cars -- I was about town in PM & evening -- Bed at 12--

Sam Jones

Monday Sept 5

Clear & very pleasant, yet cool -- about 65° -- Sam Jones, just returned from California, met me on South C street, about noon, and we rode in his buggy out as far as the Chollar office, talking together on my Chollar proposition -- I walked back -- Evening about town -- Bed at 1 -- Much warmer than last evening --

Tuesday Sept 6

Same -- Bed at 12 --

Wednesday Sept 7

Cloudy & cool -- Evening clear -- Bed 12 --

"Harbor Lights" I Edit the Enterprise

Thursday Sept 8

Clear & pleasant -- As usual -- Evening the Beaumont Comedy Co at Opera House in "Harbor Lights" -- Good house -- Taggart, editor & publisher of the Enterprise not feeling well, & wishing to attend theater with his wife got me to run the editorial


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department for him tonight -- I stood in, read proof, etc -- Bed 2 --

Friday Sept 9

Same -- Evening at Pioneer banquet geiven by Otto Eckelmann -- About 50 Pioneers invided guests, etc present -- All at Otto's expense -- Dan DeQuille being drunk tonight I had to stand in on local, Alf Chartz also -- I read proof and got through

On Enterprise Mackay

at 1:30 -- Bed at 2 -- John Mackay came up from San F this morning --

Saturday Sept 10

Same -- Evening attended the Opera House -- Play "Harbor Lights" -- Fourth & last representation -- about a $40 house -- Through at 11 -- was about town & at 12, met Taggart & he made me write some editorial for him for morning paper -- Did so & read proof, etc -- Bed at 4 --

Sunday Sept 11

Clear, but very high winds, dusty & disagreeable -- at home all day -- wrote to wife, as usual -- Evening at theater -- Sleight of hand pretended spiritualistic medium show by Alex Hume and wife, [Kate Eddy] Densely crowded house, at 50cts

Spirit sleight of hand Kate Eddy

Mrs Kruttsknitts advertising

admission -- Most of the tricks, rope tying, etc in and out of the cabinet were done pretty slick, but the whole thing as judged from the advertisement was a strongly flavored humbug -- Bed at 1 --


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Monday Sept 12

Clear warm & pleasant -- 68° -- PM was up to AM Kruttsknitt No 69 north A street by request of her -- [sentence removed] -- She wished to have advertisement of Midwifery and another of lace making & lessons therin -- Evening, wrote them out, with local matters also last nights theater etc -- Bed at 4 -- Received complimentary

State Fair complementary Gov Bartlett dead

Lima Shaft Commencement Kazoos Cuff Holden

season ticket today to Reno State Fair for self & family -- Met Jarry Johns this evening & he told me lumber made its appearance today at the dump of the Lima shaft, as a commencement of operations thereon my account -- Gov Bartlett of California died in Oakland today --

Tuesday Sept 13

Same -- As usual -- Bed 2

Wednesday Sept 14

Same -- Bed at 1 -- Received those two "Kazoos" I sent for on the 12th of last month -- Sent letter to Domesti M'fg Co Wallingford, Conn, enclosing 15 cts for a pair of "Handy Cuff Holders," with cuff buttons --

Hay fever commencement Gov Bartlett of California dead Enterprise

Thursday Sept 15

Same -- About town -- Evening Taggart got after me & I had to do the local, Dan being drunk -- Through at 2 -- Bed 3 -- tired -- Had decided commencement of hay fever


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today -- nose plugged, running etc -- eyes sore, etc -- Bought "Santa Abie", and California "Cat-R Cure" -- Cost 2.50 all --

Friday Sept 16

Same -- Warmer -- My hay-fever much better today -- nose & eyes very little affected -- PM about town -- Evening at home -- Bed at 12 -- No stock board today by reason of funeral of Gov Bartlett of Cal, who died on Monday at Oakland -- Funeral in San Francisco today -- Have used about half a bottle of Santa Abie since I commenced

Hay fever treatment Enterprise editor

Shoes new heeled

yesterday -- a teaspoonful or so at a dose -- also put the "Cat-R-Cure", a soft sort of creamy ointment up my nostrils with my little finger -- also took 2 grain pill of quinene last evening, another this morning & another this evening -- Drink frequent green pepper punches -- Got my old shoes new heeled this PM --

Saturday Sept 17

Same -- As usual -- Bed 2 --

Sunday Sept 18

Same -- Bed at 2 --

Monday Sept 19

Clear & pleasant -- Did the editorial for the Enterprise tonight -- Bed at 4 --

Nevada State Fair I at Reno Hot

Tuesday Sept 20

Same -- PM about town as usual -- Evening ditto -- Bed 12 --


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Wednesday Sept 21

Same -- Took exursion train at 8:25 AM for Reno & the State Fair -- 2 passenger coaches -- $2 round trip -- Went through flying & arrived at Reno at 11:10 AM I got off at the fiar ground short distance south of Reno, and took items -- saw one race and at 3 PM rode to town & home & wrote letter to Enterprise -- took it to the excursion train, which left at 5:10 PM & sent it by conductor Jerry Bray -- Evening at home -- all right -- Bed at 9 -- Very hot weather here --

State Fair showery

Thursday Sept 22

Cloudy & cooler -- A light drizzly rain during the AM, made ground a little muddy, & laid dust very effectually, cleared off mostly during PM -- I rode out to Fair grounds in 'bus with Hugh Mohan -- took items on cattle & horse exhibits, races -- etc -- back to town on 'bus at 3 -- visited the Pavilion & took items on the showing there -- Home & wrote my letter to Enterprise & got it off all right by the exursion train at 5:10 -- Evening at home -- Bed at 10 -- The showery weather & clouds cooled off atmosphere considerably today -- still threatening -- Met many Comstockers here at the Fair -- Gov Stevenson atteneded today --

Big rain State fair

Friday Sept 23

Same -- Heavy rain storm in morning, after daylight for a couple of hours -- Was down town about 9:30 -- The train from Cal in 2 1/2 hours late -- Home & chopped a lot


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