Diary 63-05: May, 1888 - preliminary transcript

Virginia City and Reno, Nevada; May, 1888. A typewritten transcription of Doten's handwritten diary by Marianne Jaffe in the 1960s.




1888 Dined with JJ Harris & family, Gold Hill

Tuesday May 1, 1888

Variable -- Mostly clear -- Day & evening about as usual-- Bed at 12

Wednesday May 2

Clear & very pleasant -- AM about town -- 1 PM walked to Gold Hill & skirmished on insurance pretty diligently with little success -- When Jack Harris came off shift at 3 PM from Crown Point he assisted me more or less & made me go up to his house to dinner at 6 PM -- Lives on Ft Homestead, where Bill Gibson used to -- His wife and daughter Bessie at home -- Had pleasant evening with them & footed it home, arriving at 10 -- Bed at 11 1/2 -- tired -- Jack escorted me with a lantern by a new trail back of the Imperial works up to the main road -- I noticed today that

Gold Hill News Barberity Sold Out of Centennial Black Tragedy

a barber now occupies the old Gold Hill News office -- Has his pole out in front yet, the large fine old sign still adorns the front overhead --

Thursday May 3

Cloudy with a few sprinkles of rain -- PM walked to Gold Hill -- Skirmished -- walked back before dark -- Evening at home -- Bed 2

Friday May 4

Cloudy & cool & pleasant -- About 12:30 PM John L Bleck killed his brother Sam J in basement of their wellknown building, corner of C & Taylor sts in persuance of

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an old quarrel about their property -- created some excitement -- He went up to jail & surrendered himself -- I was sold out of Centennial by Sheriff at sale yesterday -- 1515 shares -- Evening at home -- Bed 12 -- Samuel J Black was about 70 &

The Black Murder

John 67 years old -- natives of Alabama -- Old citizens of Va, well known & law abiding only vicious to each other -- The murderer was perfectly cool showing no excitement or remorse, & when he went to Sheriffs office merely told Deputy McGown he wanted to surrender himself as "I have killed my brother in self defense" -- He has a wife & four sons in California -- He shot his brother just below left nipple and then smashed in his skull, middle of forehead, above eyes with a machine wrench, making a hole big enough to put a boy's fist into -- Worst I ever saw in that way -- Also broke his left arm below wrist & elbow --

Comstock Atlas rec'd DA Bender Dem Primaries Wife in Va Teachers Institute

Saturday May 5

Clear & pleasant -- Received by mail today the Comstock atlas from the Dept of the Interior -- Wife arrived on 10 AM in 4 in hand with 8 other teachers from Reno & attended the convention of the Nevada Educational Institute at 4th Ward schoolhouse -- Evening I attended with her -- Crowded house -- Music, singing & other exercises & address by S Summerfield on Pacific coast CHaracteristics -- Very

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good but very long -- Bed 11 --Sent letter today to [DA Bender?] Genl Fr't & Passenger Agt V & T RR Carson, asking him to give me a 1/2 fare permit to travel over the road -- Democratic primaries today for delegates to State Convention -- Miles Finlen and David Pine had a fight over it on the Gould & Curry dump, below D st,

Finlen & Pine Fight Wife Gold Hill Wife Returns to Reno Black's Funeral Bob Lindsay

Dave was knocked down & so badly hurt that he subsequently became partly paralyzed in left limbs, & may die -- Finlen under $220 bonds --

Sunday May 6

Same -- Breakfast at home -- About 10 AM wife & I walked to Gold Hill -- She visited Mrs Chubbuck -- I visited Bill James about my Centennial, at assay office -- footed it back to Va with Luke Conniff -- She followed soon after, on foot -- About 4 PM she & her crowd left for Reno in their conveyance -- I saw them off -- Saml J Black's funeral took place from undertaker Brown's -- Preacher and man in buggy, followed by hearse, corpse & pall bearers was all -- Met Bob Lindsay -- He is up from Reno,

Bob Lindsay JP Jones

called as counsel in defenseof JL Black -- Evening about town short time -- Bed 1 -- I had the following item in this mornings Enterprise: [article here] I received letter today from Senator Jones notifying me of his sending Comstock Atlas enclosing a type-witten note to that effect, sent him by JW Powell, Director US Geographical Survery, Dept of the Interior -- I wrote & sent letter to Jones in re-

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sponse, by evening mail --

Annual Meeting Centennial -- Ass't My Stock -- AB Paul Bender 1/2 fare

Monday May 7

Clear & very pleasant -- warm -- 10 AM walked to Gold Hill -- got a bill of sale from Bob Wood, of my Centennial, he being the one who bid it in for the Co at the sale -- At 1 PM annual meeting of Centennial at Gold Hill Assay office -- Baker, Kingle, Evan, James & Gorham present -- company passed resolution restoring my stock on paying up assessments in full -- Old board of Directors re-elected, including myself -- [HM?] Gorham resigned as Secy and WS James elected -- Evan Williams President Bullion, Bank, Carson, Treasurer -- Levied another 3 ct assessment -- I rode back in buggy, with Osborn, manager of the Va Cas Co -- Evening reported Centennial meeting for Enterprise -- Bed at 1 -- Rec'd letter from AB Paul, & from D Bender with 1/2 fare permit till December --

Frank Sperling Arrives

Tuesday May 8

Same -- Frank Sperling a general agent of the Bankers & Merchants Insurance Co arrived from San F, drumming up business for the association -- I was about town some with him -- Evenign at home -- Bed 12 --

Insurance [Zangerle?] Stevenson Embarrassed

Wednesday May 9

Same -- PM Frank Sperling & myself took a walk out on the Divide prospecting on

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insurance -- Met Dr JB Zangerle and I wrote out his application for $2,000 more, he having $3,000 already -- He is also insured $2,000 in the A.O.U.W. -- Visited the foundry, but couldn't get anybody -- Back to town -- Left Dr Z application with Dr Robinson for examination -- Evening about town -- Bed 2 -- JM Douglass came up stairs to his room next to mine about 12 -- Visited me 2 hours -- pretty drunk & told me a whole lot about Stevenson, to the effect that he was busted, etc -- Owed Douglass $178,000 & was "gone" -- Jewett Adams went $28,000 and also was gone --

Wife Room Key Lost Joe Douglass Major TB Storer returns

Thursday May 10

Same -- AM wrote 7 page letter to wife about Stevenson, Adams etc told me by Joe Douglass last night -- PM rode to Gold Hill in 'bus & footed it back -- Saw Jack Harris down there & had short talk with him on Centennial -- On my return, after dinner I couldn't get into my room, having lost my key -- Hunted up Billy Brady the colored janitor -- got his key & made 2 others from its pattern -- Put them where I or wife can find them in case of such accident -- At 12 was getting ready for bed, when old Joe Douglass came in rather tight, as usual, & I had to play the banjo & sing "Susanna" for him -- Bed at 1 -- Major TB Storer returned from Benicia Cal, this AM -- to stay here --

AB Paul Frank B Doten

Friday May 11

Same -- Wrote 6 page letter to Almarin? B Paul Redding Cal, for further information

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