Diary 64-04: April, 1889 - preliminary transcript

Virginia City, Nevada; April, 1889. A typewritten transcript of Doten's handwritten diary by Marianne Jaffe.




Thursday April 23

Same -- The street sprinkler on duty for the 1st time this season -- was much needed -- Bed 1 --

Wednesday April 24

Cloudy but pleasant -- About town -- took 2:30 PM train for Reno -- Found all right, & prepared to move, with house on Center engaged -- Bed 9:30

Thursday April 25

Clear, warm & pleasant -- About town, engaged in moving investigation to some other house most of day -- Was up on Powning;s addition, etc -- Evening at home -- Fixed up Sammy's banjo, new bridge, etc -- Bed 10:30

Friday April 26

Same -- AM down town awhile -- PM finished repairing my old trunk for Bessie -- good job -- Evening at home -- Bed 9:30 -- tired --

Wells Drury Nevada Mill Pioneer Meeting

Saturday April 27

Colder -- High blustering wind -- dusty -- Morning train to Virginia on time -- arriving at 9:45 -- about town -- Evening at lodge, as Warden -- Bed 12 --

Sunday April 28

Cloudy & cool -- letter from Wells Drury -- San F -- AM was out to Chollar works & Nevada mill & interviewed Evan Williams, Supt --Evening, meeting of the Pioneers at International saloon club room -- I presided -- 6 present -- Masons made proposition

Last edit about 4 years ago by Traveler


to consolidate cemetaries, as they adjoin -- Bed at 1 --

Monday April 29

Variable -- PM a few prominent agitators stirred around to have a public celebration tomorrow of the Washington's Inauguration Centennial -- Evening numerous flags put up in store fronts, balconies, etc -- Bed 12 -- cool --

Washington Centennial Celebration

Tuesday April 30

Clear & very pleasant -- Centennial anniversary of the inauguration of Washington as President of these United States -- Grand Celebration thereof throughout the U.S. Here the National and Emmet Guards and Uniform Rank, Knights of Pythias paraded, also the Va & G Hill fire Depts -- Grand Armory & Mexican Vets, some of the Miners union, Young Mens Literary Institute & some other societies -- Nearly 400 in all -- Paraded the streets in grand procession, with 2 bands of music -- 10 pieces each -- City full of people from outside even from Reno and Carson -- City profusely decorated with flags, all same as 4th of July -- Evening entertainment of Young Mens Institute at Opera House -- Overtures, solos, quartettes, choruses, recitations, duets, etc --

Matt Rider leaves for Old Plymouth J P Jones

The Theater was crowded as long as a live could get in -- Wound up with a big dance - I put up the Pioneer flag on the flagstaff of the old Hall on B st -- this morning -- Had a job to find it -- found it at last at Opera House -- Attended enter-

Last edit about 4 years ago by Traveler
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