The local mixed train, which left Reno yesterday morning, did not reach here until noon today, occupying 15 hours in coming from Mound House. The express train, which left here at 11:30 A. M. yesterday, arrived at Reno last evening, with the aid of a snow-plow propelled by four forty-ton locomotives.
The train which arrived today comprised three carloads of freight and four of wood.
A majority of the employes of ore producing mines are temporarily laid off on account of sidetracks leading to ore houses being blockaded with snow to an extent that will require 48 hours to clear them, even should there be no fuerther fall.
The Utah mine is shut down on account of the road leading there being impassable for man or beast.
The Sierra Nevada, Union Con., Mexican and Ophir are worked through the latter shaft and are in full operation.
The force of miners in the Con. Cal. & Va. ore stopes is laid off until the sidetracks leading to the ore houses can be cleared of snow.
A large portion of the force employed in the Hale & Norcross and Chollar stopes is also idle and the Nevada mill is shut down for lack of ore.
The Yellow Jacket, Crown Point and Savage have also suspended the extraction of ore until the storm is over.
There is no danger of either a fuel or food famine should the railway blockade continue for a week.
The snowfall of this Winter is now conceded to be greater in this locality than in any former year since the discovery of the Comstock lode
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